
EVOLUTION - How did we monkeys change to blacks and chinese races ?

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Im reading about Niburu and what will happen in december 2012. There is a weird theory saying we might be connected to aliens. Another that god was alien. I watch the giants story before a big flood. I'm confused. the evolution from monkeys is more realistic . BUT scientists cannot explain the giant humanskeletons recovered. MY question is how did the homo sapiens change in a chinese race or black ? Usually a horse evolves to a similar horse. but to have slit eyes like the asians . im not sure now.




  1. I can see with this question, that you're not trying to make many inter-racial friends!

  2. It sounds like you need to take some anthropology classes because this question is offensive and clearly shows your ignorance on the subject.

  3. We did not evolve from an ape or any common ape ancestor (which for all intents and purposes would be an ape!)

    The idea of human evolution is *not* supported by the evidence.

    Do you know how many alleged 'ape-man' fossils there are? Enough to fit on a small table.

    Every hominid fossil found is either clearly human or clearly ape.

    Have you ever seen the 'reconstructed' model of autralopithecene Lucy in the Natural History Museum in London?

    It is rather interesting, showing Lucy with human like hands and feet. The fossil was found with no hands or feet. The human hands and feet and artistic impression based on evolutionary suppositions. In fact other australopithecene fossils have been found with ape-like hands and feet.

    One wonders why the NHM continues to deliberately mislead people, when they no full well that their model is quite wrong.

    I recommend you check out alternate views of the past, instead of the standard evolutionary tales.

    The evidence does not speak for itself - it has to be interpreted. The question is - is evolution a rational explanation for the observed evidence? Or is it just a religious/philosophical view promoted as a scientific one?

    Check here for lots of info on anthropology:

    As forhe origin of balck and chinese - the genetic differences are minute between all people groups. They are the result of natural variation from our ancestors Adam and Eve, and more recently Noah and his wife.

    Check here for an excellent article on the origin of the people groups:

    Tere is absolutely no need to invoke evolutionary fairy tales that fly in teh face of the observed evidence.

  4. Um monkeys obviously did not change into people if there are still monkeys. Maybe people looked a litte rougher around the edges but gimmie a break! We lived in the wild. Not like we were bigfoot. People change due to climate. Like chinese people lived in a windier climate so they develoved slanty eyes to deal with the environment they were living in. africa is sunny so peoplé's skin there is darker to protect them from the rays, in colder cloudier parts peoples skin had to turn light to get more sun.

  5. well it depends on your beliefs if you are christian then you are supposed to believe that god was a spirit and if you are a scientist then you are no supposed favor your knowledge not your beliefs.

    Race is a social invention. Race has no scientifict meaning.

    if you believe Race is real awnser these question:

    What does it mean to be black were are you from if you are black?[not just africa]

    Who is white?

    [not just american people]

    Who is who ?

    [as in who has more power and who is considered a weak race]

  6. Another brilliant commentary on the state of our educational system

  7. despite the racism in this comment, we all descended from a common ancestor. Through the process of genetic drift, groups of homosapiens dispersed throughout the world and became isolated from eachother. Through vast amounts of time, each group acquired different "mendelian traits" which are usually recessive genes that can't survive in a big populations of other dominant genes, but when broken apart from these dominant genes can allow recessive dominance throughout the population.

  8. Sigh. Please cite your sources. Preferably peer reviewed papers with MLA format and text notes.

    There is a known example of the ancient Greeks finding a giant human skeleton and then burying it as one of their heroes. The belief was that heroes were always super sized. Archaeologists found and excavated the grave. The Greeks has found part of a mammoth skeleton (hairy elephant)

    By "slit eyes" you're referring to the Epicanthal fold.  All humans have this fold to some degree. People living in Asian simply have larger folds.

    You also have things backwards. In science one makes a claim, presents evidence for it and then defends their argument. The "scientists can't explain..." is illogical. You have made the claim "giant humanskeletons recovered" You have the requirement to present where, when, how many, define what you mean by "giant" and document the recovery process.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

  9. First of all, humans are not descended from monkeys.  Humans are a part of the family hominidae, also known as the great apes.  Other members of this family are chimpanzees, orangutans and gorillas.  All monkeys are separate from the great apes.  And you are also making the ignorant assumption that the black and oriental races came second.  If you believe in evolution like I do, humans descend from ancestors that came from Africa.  In which case it is more likely that the black race came first.

    As far as the different races are concerned, the differences such as skin color, shape of the eyes, hair color, etc. are incredibly minor in terms of genetics.  You bring up horses.  Well, there are many different types of horses.  Not all of them are the same color.  And who's to say some of these don't have different eyes.

    For this giant human skeleton you mention, not sure what you are talking about.  But the fossil record as far, far from complete and never will be.  Conditions need to be just right for fossils to form.  It's unlikely that fossils will form for every single evolutionary step.

  10. Read the Bible Race started at the tower of Babel when people began to build this tower to heaven and God struck utterance on them where they didn't recognize or understand each other... I got to go my Banana supply just ran out

  11. I certainly hope you live in an isolated igloo on Kodiak Island with NO ONE around you. You have alienated most of the world's population already.

    Do me a favor - keep your idiotic ideas about BEARS to yourself, or...

    I hate to break it to you, but YOU definitely do belong to the monkey family, but fear not: you are evolving into an a**.

  12. You have oversimplified the process of horse evolution in your question.There is a lot of variation in horses today, and most of that was brought about by selective human breeding. However, long before we were doing that, there were at least four kinds of Equus caballus (the horse) - all part of the same species but exhibiting differences that reflected their adaptations to different environments (much like the human variation you mention). See the sites I put below for more information.

    Also, as a few others pointed out, evolutionary theory does not indicate we involved from monkeys. NO evolutionary biologist, paleoanthropologist, etc. believes that. Rather, based on genetic evidence it appears we share a common ancestor with monkeys. We share a more recent common ancestor with apes. However, these species have been evolving alongside us--we did not evolve from any of them. Fossil evidence suggest the hominid (human) lineage has become increasingly less ape-like over the past several millenia, further suggesting a common ancestor with apes (who have also changed, but in different ways than we did).  

    Human genetic variation is quite small (as someone else said). In fact, there is more variability within a given population (eg Asians) than there is between any two populations (eg Asians and Africans). Things such as skin color don't take a long time to change in a population, several thousand years but not millenia (indeed, humans have only been around for about 200,000 years). Those things that characterize different populations today were either (1)selected by the particular environments in which those populations' ancestors lived, (2)sexually selected for-for some reason preferred by people in that population when selecting a mate or (3)a product of genetic drift- not a lot of gene flow between populations resulted in different traits becoming predominant in different populations, by chance. However, overall there is very little difference between any two humans from any two places. We are all much more alike than we are different.

    I don't know about the giant human skeletons to which you're referring..?

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