
EVOLUTIONIST: Why haven't turtles evolved into something else after 75 million years?

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"A turtle that toddled alongside the dinosaurs died just days before laying a clutch of eggs. Now, about 75 million years later, paleontologists are announcing their find of the fossilized mother-to-be and the eggs tucked inside her body".




  1. I know why you didn't provide the link:

    "Both specimens, described this week in the journal Biology Letters, belong to an extinct turtle in the Adocus genus, a large river turtle that resembles today's slider and cooter turtles."

    "Resembles" does not equal "the same". As for why they have not changed drastically, they didn't need to.

  2. why should they? They are not identical, but clearly their habitat hasn't changed, so why should turtles change? They are clearly onto a good thing being turtles.  

  3. Many species reach a dead end in the evolutionary process.  Or maybe under the right enviromental conditions, they might evolve further.

  4. Species adapt to their environment to best suit natural selection. If the species fits into a niche perfectly then it has no reason to change. Hence, the coelacanth is a good example.

    Deist with a B.A. In Anthropology (Archaeology)

    Evolution is a scientific theory and a fact.

  5. Simply put, because there was no reason for them to evolve into anything else!

    Turtles are already well-enough adapted to their environment for there not to be any "easy" mutation that will give them a definite survival advantage.

  6. Because they are perfect just the way they are.

  7. Come on mate! be fair a turtle is a really slow animal, 75000000years is hardly enough time

  8. there are about 270 different species of turtle... try again.

    i love it when creationists prove their ignorance.  it happens so often.

  9. CREATIONIST: Why aren't there modern animals in the Precambrian period?

    Why don't you ask in the biology section? You'd get better results there.  

  10. Neither have sharks.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

  11. Turtles have evolved quite a bit adapting to different environments over the ages. Evolution is both fact and theory for man. So the turtle didn't evolve into a Christian eating intelligent monster or something, many small mammals did evolve into Lions that did eat the original followers of Christ. How does your statement disprove evolution? Also the same people who fed the original followers of Christ to the lions, were the same people who formed what is now called the "Christian church".


       Jesus knew of evolution, off course He Knew The One True God As Well, not the one Christianity created to scare little children. The same church that teaches logic and reason are the tools of satan.

  12. They may have. It wouldn't mean all turtles disappeared. It would mean that there are other species around that once shared a common ancester with turtles.  

  13. maybe because they have found thier "niche" and have not evolved much because they are well-suited to thier environment that new mutations do not stick.

    evolution through mutations and natural selection is a responce to the environment, not a goal.

    if a creature doesn't develop significant or any changes it means it is already well-adapted to its environement to survive.

  14. i thought they had...aren't they call "Teen-Age Mutant Turtles"?

    LOL-sorry don, I just couldn't resist after reading some of your answers... :-)

  15. Because you dont understand evolution or selection.  

  16. a) If they haven't, it's because they don't need to. They are well-suited to their environment already. If their environment changes, then they will change to adapt if it's advantageous to do so.

    b) Who says they haven't? Your quote doesn't say that.

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