
EVP or me?

by Guest66987  |  earlier

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9yrs ago I told my partner that he snores extremely loud every night. He felt highly insulted and claimed stubbornly that I also snore. (We were sleeping in separate beds for valid and normal reasons but to explain would lead away from the issue and takes too much time)

I had a small ‘VOR’, which I wanted to use to for recording reminders, letters etc but it ended up lying in a drawer unused. I decided to test and see if I truly do snore at night. It has a ‘VOICE OPERATING FUNCTION’ which means that if one sets it on VOR then it only starts recording once it hears enough sound or voices. I listened to it the next day. To my horror, I did not hear myself snoring at all, but heard a very clear whisper (as though one could not breathe) saying ‘HELP ME!’ over and over again. It was very clear and enough for anyone else to recognise.

I freaked out and wondered what the h**l was wrong with ME? I assumed that I was whispering during my sleep. I did not know anything about EVP then. Now I wonder and feel guilty that there was a possibility something was asking for my help and because I freaked out I did not use the VOR again!

Was it really me? Or a EVP of something that was asking for help and I simply ignored them in my fright.




  1. Maybe you were having a nightmare, or maybe you wanted help in proving that you didn't snore!

  2. Sounds like EVP. Call your local paranormal investigators for a free testing.

  3. Auditory pareidolia can explain this.  Otherwise you must consider the following: Was the spirit whispering this 24 hours a day, or only because the recorder was there?  Was it constant?  If not, why not?  Did you hear it during the daytime, or was it only when you were asleep?  Chances are it was you breathing heavily and steadily in a way that made it sound like someone was saying "help me".  You could also ask your partner if that's how you sound when you snore.

    You feel guilty you didn't help the spirit?  What sort of action exactly would you be prompted to when hearing an EVP saying "help me"?

  4. try doing voice identification and see if it is you...its used in the forensic field and im sure u can find a software or sumtin somewhere...

  5. there would be no way to verify scientifically that it was an external voice. Since two people were in the room while it was recording. You did not say if anyone else was in the home/apt. at the time either. I have no doubt you may have recorded something. But you have to be able to record something using a controlled environment and be able to duplicate it before anyone outside of the diehard believer will say, yeah, thats something you got there. You have to be able to get a recording thats understandable without enhancing or otherwise changing it to hear it.
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