
EWCM appeared briefly then gone?

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K, well yesterday morning after using the bathroom I had some really good quality EWCM when I wiped. This was at about 7am. I haven't had any EWCM show for the last 4 months so I was VERY excited. I was away from home and hubby....but on my way. When I got home around 11:30 I took an opk and tah dah -- positive. I had ovulation pains from last night until around noon today. I had one more opk left so I did one today at about 10am -- positive. I never get a positive 2 days in a row! I have not noticed any more EWCM other than what I had yesterday, even doing an internal check. I am charting BBT and have not had a temp spike yet to confirm ovulation which I'm thinking I'll get my spike probably tomorrow. What are your thoughts for me for this month? We BD last night and tonight and will again at least once tomorrow. I just wish I would have had more visible EWCM!




  1. It sounds like you bd at the right time! I would definitely try tomorrow as you said. You've done all you can and you'll just have to endure the 2ww!

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