
EXERCISE...what is the real truth?

by Guest32351  |  earlier

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im always reading about how a person lost alot of weight on high protein low carb diet with 3 hours of exercise a day. then i will read about how trainers are actually saying it is stupid to do that much exercise. then others say lots of exercise is the key. then others say it desnt matter that much and that your diet is the most important thing. im so confused!

my diet and exercise plan needs a re-vamp. its taken over my life to much and i worry/obsess over it far too much. this makes it even harder when i fail or do something differently. i want this to be a lifestyle change so it needs to become less of an issue.

how can i make this happen?and what is the real truth? i dont want my weight loss to take forever! im willing to work hard...i currently do 2-3 hours of exercise a day and eat fish, fruit, veg, oats, and a small amount of dairy.

i need a solid plan. sometimes i have just grapes or just a few carrots for lunch because i dont know what to have! its not good!

WHAT IS THE TRUTH??? i want this weight off!!!




  1. It has to be a combination of diet and exercise. Consult your doctor first. But the best thing to do is to build some muscle. Exercise for 3 days a week and see the difference. Don't overdo because it becomes counter productive beyond 3 days a week.

  2. do not overtrain, do not overeat - that's simple... 2-3 hours a day is way too much, you can have it by 60-70 minutes and not even every day - 2-3 times a week will also work

    avoid McDonalds, KFC, PizzaHut etc., or limit it up to 1 times a week, do not eat anything after 8PM

    most importantly - you need to keep up for longer - months and years, your lifetime actually ;)

    don't get obsessed with that, keep it simple, changes will happen soon  

  3. everyone will say their plan is the best plan.....what works for one person does not mean it will for you, so you need to find one that suits your lifestyle and talk to others that have succeeded in the plan you choose to adopt, and weigh out the pros & cons...there is no full proof plan out there!!! because if there was, why aren't we all not on it?  

  4. hi floss.

    You condition is hard I know - I have been there, but I'll tell you that there is a hope.

    I won't discuss what is wrong and what is not about nutrition, I just want to tell what helps me and what my experience brought to me.

    First what I always advice:

    If you are training person then you have to get use to eat up to 6 small meals.

    Take protein (meat source is better) with every meal you have.

    Your breakfast has to be your biggest meal - if you overeat then try to do this on breakfast.

    Your dinner has to be your smallest meal. Eat only protein and/or veggies with your last meal.

    You can overeat after your training, because your body needs more food for recovery.

    About exercises:

    Don't listen anyone - except they talk you about right execution of an exercise.

    Do instinctive training - load up your muscles using your instinct.

    And forget about 3 or 4 hours training per day.

    weight training + cardio = 1 and a half hour.

    This works for me and for much other people.

    Remember that most of the information is junk and it is hard to sift it out.

    I hope this was useful.

    Good Luck and don't be desperate.

    My Source:


  5. I frequently watch The Biggest Loser. They lose loads of weight by simply cutting their calories down to about 1500 and exercising with a combo of cardio and some weight training 3 hours or so per day. They are also under a lot of doctor's supervision, so consult your doctor first for a check-up.

    It's very important to make sure you are eating ENOUGH to lose weight. Anything below 1400 calories is simply not enough food. You want to make sure the food you are consuming is healthful, and contains a balance of carbs, unsaturated fat, protein, and all the vitamins and minerals.

    It's also important to change your weekly workout routines about every 3-4 weeks to ensure your body will not plateau and keep losing at least 1-2 pounds per week.

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