
EXTREMELY WIERD DREAM ... please interpret?

by  |  earlier

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I am going to go for a party (which is on the roof-top of our apartment/building). I get ready, but somehow always keep messing up my dresses (thrice). At the stairs I meet a boy (a classmate). He is very nerdy, geeky and some what mentally handicapped. Needless to say, he is ridiculed and teased.

I ask him if he is going to the party. He says he would absolutely love to go but is scared he won't be welcome. From the look on his face I pity him, I tell him I'll will accompany him to the party. He seems very happy, yet nervous, at this. I hold his hand and lead him to the party. When we enter the party, instead of going joining the crowd, I greet a few people (they pretend not to notice him) and then we both enter a door.

The door leads to a big hallway with many many doors lining its sides, some open some closed. He is not beside me anymore. The hall is not furnished, except for a victorian writing desk in the middle of it. I sense someone is at the table but I don't turn to look. Looking down at myself I see that I am wearing my casual pants. I undress and put on my jeans (which miraculously happens to be in my hand). When I finish I look back to see that it was him sitting at the desk all along. He didn't once turn his head to look at me (which I find very honourable) but somehow I could feel he saw everything. The knowledge doesn't embarras me. Then I quietly ask if he would repeat to anyone what he say. He just shakes his head however I can hear his voice (even though he doesn't say anything) telling me "I love you, silly." I feel immensely respected and loved. Dream ends.




  1. it is nothing. Stop watching TV before going to bed.

  2. He's a real person? Talk to him and maybe you'll like him. I think you want to and your dreams are saying "GO FOR IT GIRL!

  3. You are a kind hearted and compassionate person who has learned that the miraculous and most valuable and satisfactory kind of love isn't the kind that you have earned by rising to someone else's standards and being "adorable" or "lovable" but by bringing yourself down into a more humbler level and understanding that true love is most often experienced by simpler minded, less "spectacular" people...little children, pets, the trusting mentally handicapped, the gentle elderly...people who need us. You feel you can trust them because a kinship can be formed that isn't breakable. These are the type of people that would defend you as you would them and you are in touch with their insecurity just as they are in touch with yours. The doors represent choices but you keep moving forward. You get respect, the real kind of respect, when you show respect. And you know all about it. Love in Christ, ~J~  

  4. Just because you have a dream doesn't mean it has to mean something.

    A dream is just all the thoughts racing in your head, compiled into a story because your mind doesn't know what to do with it all.

  5. I think you like the dude, thats all. Maybe you treated him badly in some way and you felt guilty about it.  Its kind of like those girls that like some guy or think he's cool but refuse to treat him as such just because her friends think hes a loser or something like that. So yeah, i think youre just dreaming what you really want.

  6. we all get wierd dreams. it doesnt mean nothing

  7. Aww you should become his friend!

    Talk to the guy get to know him. Maybe your curious about him.

    But if you wanna look up some more meanings in your dreams try

    it helps me out alot

    haha good luck!

  8. that u can find love anywhere.

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