
EaSy MoNeY> 2 questions here!!!?£250,000!...?

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EaSy MoNeY> 2 questions here!!!?

If there was disablitly benefits for the overweight eg. 300lbs++ would you make yourself obese, you are in for a chance of earning £480 a week!>Would you?

Also there is a currnet competion on near where I live, here's the deal you've gota whole year to gain loads of weight, it's aimed at 18-30 year old women apparently, there's £250,000 to win. What you've gota do is gain weight within a year the first woman to weight 25stone wins the £250,000! Would you do this if you had the chance? For every stone more than 25 you get payed an extra £150,000 pounds more!>Would you do it? Tummy tucks etc would be in the price range with that amount tho after the competition! But Still...

p.s last time i asked this question i got the details wrong from the competition.And no I haven't entered this competition!lol

Would you?




  1. First question:  Yeah I would do it for $480 a week, right now I am desperate for money.  And then After I pay off all my debt, I could use the money for lipo or something.

    2nd question:  No, I would not do this one.  I hate competition.  Yes I could use the money, but this one is no guarantee.  And then I wouldn't have the money to help with getting the weight off. OR pay off my dept.

  2. Can men enter?

  3. No. That would be stupid. I'd probably be dead before I got the money. My lifestyle would have to be even less healthy that it is now! I'm already 13 stone and trying to lose weight because it's so uncomfortable even though I am naturally heavy. Risking your health for any amount of money is really stupid.

  4. No, gaining that much weight is seriously unhealthy and could result in life long effects. Plus imagine having to buy all new clothes, probably a bigger car, new shoes, new furniture after breaking it, and imagine having people laugh at you because you are so big. Then after you break even after winning, you have to go through another lifestyle change to lose the weight. Tummy tucks don't get rid of all the health problems and all the weight and after being really heavy you would be more prone to gaining all the weight back. So, no I would never enter a competition like that!

  5. What if you put on loads of weight but didn't win the money? You'd have to lose it all again. It costs a fortune to get fat, foods not cheap. No way!

  6. No and No!!!!

    Please tell me this is a joke, really, it's a joke isn't it? Surely no-one would be that dim???

  7. Thats insane, no way would I do that!

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