
Ear Clicks When I Swallow, Left Ear Feels Stuffy

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Every time I swallow, my ears make a clicking sound. And when I lay down, I can't hear out my left ear well, feels sort of stuffy. Also, during the day it feels a bit stuffy, as well. Anyone have a resolution to these two problems?




  1. It sounds like you could have an ear infection I would go to the doctor to make sure and theyll give you something to help you out Cause that sounds like its really annoying So i would take care of it as soon as possible Hopefully its nothing serious

  2. Chances are your ear is stuffed with something like ear wax.

    Go to the doctor. They'll look at it and rinse it out by squirting water into your ear. It's an interesting experience, but not anything unpleasent (unless it's really really stuffed).

  3. Your ears are just blocked. If it doesn't go away in a few days, it may be a sinus infection. Wait it out a few days, then make an appointment

  4. doctor...

  5. You might have TMJ or sinus problems...Call your MD or go to

  6. Take a benadryl. I had the same thing happen and the doctor told me it was just sinus drainage.

    Benadryl will dry it up.

  7. I would call the doctor and frankly  think I should to cause my ar feels the same. You may have swimmers ear though if you have been swimming a lot in which case you should also call the doctor to have the prescribe ear drops

  8. i think i know exactly what your talking about. if its like a gooey click its the sound of your swallowing  going up to your ears. clean your ears a bit more.

  9. Go to the hippie store :) Natural Products store and get some earcandles- about 3 bucks or less!. Probably build up (even if you clean 'em all the time).

    How it works: A muslin-type fabric coated w/beeswax and rolled in a cone, you light the end. The heat and pressure of the smoke loosens clogged waxy stuff and clears the ear canal.

    Some gew will come out right after, but days following the treatment the stuff will gradually come out.

    I know it sounds gross but it totally works.

  10. ear infection.. your eustation tubes are swollen not allowing the fluid to drain. Try Ibuprofen  in that doesn't help. go to the doctor they will give you some steroid, like nasonex that should help. It may take a while though

  11. Sounds like you make have some sinus issues. This can make your ears feel stuffy.  

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