
Ear &Lip piercingsss ? !?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so in my right ear i have an industrial, tragus &2 lobes .

in my left i only have 2 lobes &a helix

it looks really plain, what piercings would look nice on my left earr ? !

Bottom Lip;

thinking about getting my lip pierced

-How much did it cost you ?

-Pain out of 10 ? -i know everyone has a different pain tolerance blah blah

-Aftercare, any tipss .

-Would you recommend getting it done ?

&if you don't like lip piercings, WHYY ? !

thankyou xo




  1. Try a snug piercing on your left ear, I think they are effing adorable.

    I have my lip pierced my first cost me £26 and my second £10.

    Pain for the first one 3 out of 10, I didnt know what to expect and I was nervous so it hurt less.

    Second 5 out of 10, she took a while to s***w the ball one.

    Lip is definately worth it !

    Boil water let it cool, use a little bit of sea salt in the water and then get a quetip/cottonbud to wipe around the front and then rinse your mouth out with salt water =]

  2. for your ear i think a rook and/or conch would look cool.

    as for your lip, no idea x]

    i like them thoughh

    good luck!

  3. How about a rook piercing on your left year?

    As for my lip it cost me $40. The pain was probably like a 2 or 3. I would say my industrial hurt way more. For aftercare I used H2Ocean spray a few times a day and washed it in the shower. I love my lip piercing. It is my favorite one and would definitely recommend it.

  4. hmmm, not sure about the ears so yeah.

    but i've got my lip pierced : D it cost me £19, it would have normally cost £10, because i brought along my own bar thing, but it went wrong and the bar broke, so i had to pay £20 to include his bar.. and i didn't have £20, but he let me off cause he didn't want me walking around with a hole under my lip, but yeahh. Lol.

    umm, pain out of 10.. i'd say 10, lmfao. well at the time it seemed amazingly painful but when it was done i realised it totally didn't hurt, so i'm not sure.. haha. i guess i probably imagined it. plus i'm scare of needles so maybe it didn't hurt at all and i was just freaking out : D and yeahh. get it done, it looks goood. i guess its kinda overrated, like loads of people have one, but i think it looks nice ( : aftercare.. um, i dno. my piercest gave me a bottle of stuff to clean mine with, which i totally had no idea what it is, and it's all gone now so yeah, i dont know what it was, but mine didn't get infected : D so it's all gooood, and now i just use salt water to clean my lip + navel. i'm not sure if you're allowed to, but it seems to stop them from getting infected, lol.

    i've kinda rambled on and this doesn't really help with much so i shall stop now (:

    x x x x x

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