
Ear Piercing Gun? help?

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What parts of the ear will it pierce?

i no its only ment to do the lobe but what bit will it be able to do ?

i hurd people use it for the nose as wel ?




  1. In an ideal world, piercing guns would not be used for any piercing. Guns tear through the skin by forcing a blunt stud through your body. This can shatter cartilage and cause your ear to collapse in a worst case scenario.

    The first link in the sources I list explains how crappy guns are in plain English and is great.

    Basically - piercing guns aren't sterile, the studs cause more trauma to the ear than a needle (creating a longer healing time) and the studs are too short, causing complications with healing when the ear swells. This applies to any body part pierced with a gun, not just the ear.

  2. I had up to the hard bit in my ear done with a gun, the rest i had done with a needle

    wish i had the whole lot done with a needle, i found it personally less painful, and i found i had less problems with them.

    i had my nose done with a gun, no pain, however, as other have said, it can shatter the cartailige, i have had no problems with it, but i would reccomend a needle =)

  3. it can pierce ears and nose!

    hope ive helped <3

  4. i had a gun used to do the top/middle part of my ear just above where the gristle is. It can be used on noses, but i personally would just have my nose done properly because it could be dangerous and it would be painful.

  5. I wouldn't suggest using it on nose/cartilage because it can shatter cartilage plus it is nothing but blunt force trauma.  Professional pierces use a hollow needle to pierce the nose and cartilage because it removes a small plug of tissue.  It makes healing much easier, faster and causes less trauma.  So I would only use a piercing gun for ear lobes and NOTHING else.

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