
Ear Pops When Yawning?

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Today I suddenly realized that when I yawn, my left ear pops, this does not usually happen, but it's been happening today all the time, especially since I'm yawning a lot today as I did not sleep well last night. The pop does not actually hurt.

My left year has had a middle ear infection before (last year) and was recovered within days or a week with treatment. Could it be another infection? Or is it something else?




  1. sometimes you could be getting another ear infection or you could have fluid behind the ear drum that is causing your ear to close and when you here that popping sound it is your ears popping back open.if it does not start to hurt with then the next couple of days it is just fluid.the fluid could be coming from when taking shower water getting in the ear.

  2. My ear pops sometimes, too. I know it's annoying, but for me, it's just a normal thing.  
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