
Ear aches?

by Guest33637  |  earlier

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I have an ear ache (going 2 the doctor 2mrrw). Wat are the best ways 2 stop the pain...besides takin medicine?




  1. google smoke in the ears for earaches... really works

  2. Hi M-dog,

    you don't say which part of the ear but the most common form is a middle ear inflammation.

    The usual cause (over 90% of cases) is the consumption of cow dairy produce - milk, butter, cheese, quark, cream etc. These are nutrients for a calf (as long as they are not pasteuerised) but, to humans, are poisonous. These will cause inflammataion of all membranes, including the middle ear and the escution tube (the tube which runs from the middle ear to your mouth so that you can regulate the air pressure in the middle ear).

    Children given cow dairy will frequently have middle ear inflammation. Those who don't get cow dairy, almost never.

    After puberty, the changed hormonal structure will usually cause these substances to be concentrated in the sexual organs and the intestines which is why the ear aches tend to disappear around that time.

    The consumption of cow dairy is responsible for around 60% of all gynaecological problems, 40% of all lung and intestinal problems, 80% of all skin problems, 90% of diabetes melitis, the list goes on!

    The myth that you "need" cow's milk for calcium is a myth which the dairy industry spends a lot of money each year expounding. All independent scientific research shows that cow's milk will actually rob your body of calcium! This happens because cow's milk (and everything made from it) containes a protein chain which is quite poisonous to humans. The only way in which your body can neutralise this poison and discharge it is by combining it with calcium!

    It will take about nine months to get rid of 90% of the cow dairy residues from your body. There are special diets which will help you. Contact the Kushi Institute for details of your nearest consultant.

    Blesssed be

    Karma Singh

  3. Here are a few ways to relieve your ear pain~~~until you can get to the doc.  Hope you feel well soon:))

    A cold pack or cold wet wash cloth applied to the outer ear for 20 minutes may reduce pain.

    Olive oil or over-the-counter ear drops are gentle and effective, as long as the eardrum has not ruptured.  Chew gum, chewing may help relieve the pain and pressure of an ear infection.

    Also resting in an upright position may help reduce pressure in the middle ear.

    Ear pain caused by rapidly descending from high altitudes can be relieved by swallowing, chewing gum, or other methods.

  4. You could be allergic to milk.

  5. Get a prescription for your ear!

  6. my grandmother used to say if you pee on a cotton ball and stick it in your ear it will make the pain go away. I think she was crazy and I'm surprised she didn't die sooner. "god bless" granny. but actually, running warm water on a cotton ball and squeezing it out before sticking it in my ear, has actually helped with earaches. i think the moist heat helps soothe the pain. it's worked for me anyway.

  7. This may sound crazy but it works.

    Get a washcloth or old cotton sock and put a good amount of salt in it and secure with a rubber band.

    Put it in the mircrowave oven for about 30 seconds.

    Place it on your ear and lay your painful ear on a pillow ...

    What it does is the salt draws any fluid out that is not needed and the warmth sooths the pain.

  8. Instead of ingesting anything into the ears why not try

    following yogic mudra. Mudra means hand gesture, art

    of communicating with the brain using or manipulating

    your fingers. Try shoonya mudra which is simply formed

    by first placing the tip of the middle finger on the base of

    the thumb and then bringing gentle pressure of the thumb

    upon this finger. This amounts to suppression of element

    space residing in the middle finger by element fire,

    residing in the thumb. Keep other three fingers straight

    with palms facing upward. Do it with both the hands for

    about 10 minutes. Keep palms on your respective thighs

    and simply watch tv and like magic your pain will vanish.

    Try it, you have nothing to lose except your ear pain.

    Good luck and God bless.  Cheers!   :o)
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