
Ear drops? Ear cleaning advice?

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I have been getting a little bothered by one of my ears, and may need them syringed.

Whilst I was on holiday, I spent a lot of time in the water, and for several days - maybe even up to a week, I was partially deaf in one ear due to trapped water (even keeping my head out of water during this time).

Anyway, I bought ear drops while I was over there, and they done little to help.

It must have started getting slightly better without me realising, but anyhow, I tried putting ear drops in them when I got home, as I thought they were supposed to have a similar cleaning effect to syringing, but now, even using them when my ear appears to be alright, I seem to get the same feeling of trapped water in my ear. (due to the ear drops)

Any advice?




  1. Try to see a holistic therapist who do Hopi ear candles as this is much safer than syringing, try not to use cotton buds as these damage your ears.

  2. If a gentle tug downward on your ear-lobe doesn't 'open' the feeling you have, then you are correct: visit a Nurse Practitioner (CNP) who can check your ears & use a syringe, if needed.

  3. tilt your head to the side for about an hour

    then try to soak some liquid up with cotton buds or stick cotton wool in your ears it will work eventually but keep at it

  4. A Little Warm Olive Oil, Put a Little bit on a bit of cotton wool, Place it

    just inside your ear, Not all the way. Rub a little more into the base of your Ear, After 3 or 4 Applications any Wax or Dirt,Will come out onto the wool.... Footnote!. Some People who Drive with their Window Open tend to have Trouble with their Right Ears!  

  5. go see your doctor and get them cleaned,its not a big syringe like the old days,its actually a nice experience,they squirt warm water around the ear with a small plastic gun,works brilliant and takes just seconds.

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