
Ear infection in toddler?

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My daughter (14 months) just got over an ear infection and finished the antibiotics last Thursday. She was fine a day or two after starting the amoxicillin but a couple of days after finishing it (we did the whole 10 days), she's been poking at her ear and crying.

One doctor told us that 90% of ear infection clear up on their own. Has anyone done this? I really don't want her to be on antibioitics again, but I don't want her to be in pain either. We are going to the pediatrician tomorrow to get it checked, but was just wondering if anyone has tried any natural remedies with success?

I've been giving her advil for the pain. This is the first ear infection she has had.

We took her off of cow's milk/formula about 3 or 4 months ago for a different problem (recurrent 3 month cough!); it didn't seem to be helping, so we put her back on it again. The ear infection started about a week later, and the rattly chest started on the week-end. coincidence or not?




  1. okay as you're totally aware of the medical disclaimer of the information you're about to receive so you have to decide whether and how to use the information I'll share:

    (1) oil of oregano (externally probably for her age mix with a carrier oil and a very faint amount) Internally homepathically in a glass of liquid.

    (2) Olive Leaf Extract

  2. I used a drop of hydrogen-peroxide in my kids ears. Tilt their head and put a drop in the will hear the bubbles inside killing off the infection but it doesn't hurt them. Do this about three times a day. When she doesn't hear the bubbles anymore have her tilt her head the other way to get the remaining fluid out of her ear. This has always helped my kids. If she is scared just tell her that her ear is blowing bubbles and for fun go get a small bottle for her to blow after she is done.

  3. Poor thing! You should see a specialist!

  4. It would probably be a good idea to treat yeast since she's been on an antibiotic.

    Our ENT said to use a mix of peroxide and water. Lately we've been using Wally's Ear Oil and it helps alot! You can get this from

  5. Hi, I have 2 yr old twin boys. I know what you mean about the whole antibiotic thing. When the boys got them I would put them in Mommies bed. With there favourite juice and TV. I then would try to hold a warm bean bag or wash cloth to their ear. I used dry heat. I stuck them in the oven at 200(the bean bags)LO LO

    I agree with you about meds, but at some point yuo have to let go and just do whats gonna fix it fast. She will be on meds again, just wait till the whole school thing happens. It's like every month theres something new. I would just try to focuse on her food and vitamins. I say do the meds make her and you comfertable and just make sure she eats a extra helping if fresh fruit or vege's. Take care, this too shall pass.

  6. Sounds to me like she has an intolerance to milk and dairy products buddy .........  i don't think it's a coincidence at all that she was well for a whole month and then 7 days after you put her back on the cow's milk formula she relapses !!  You're very astute to have picked that one mate .........  good on you.

    Goat's milk would perhaps be an option for you. Give her a calcium & vitamin D3 rich supplement perhaps in a liquid form (easiest to assimilate) to ensure she gets all her calcium on a daily basis ..........  you can get them especially formulated for children this young ........and pump up her intake of fresh fish such as salmon and tuna and leafy and green vegies & fresh fruits~ the vegies are rich in both calcium and protein and the fish are rich in EFA's, calcium and vitamin D (the vitamin D is essential for effective calcium absorption)........♥

    The calcium found in vegies and fruits has a greater impact on bone health than calcium from dairy products anyways.... a study published in The Americal Journal of clinical nutrition (2002) found that a high intake of vegies and fruits has a positive impact on bone health, but dairy did not.  Dairy products contain animal proteins, which speed the elimination of calcium from the body and make it more acidic.  This can cause calcium to leach from the bones and cause problems with magnesium (essential for healthy nerve and muscle functioning and for heart health ~ known as the antistress mineral) absorption, leading to osteoporosis.  In addition, we absorb only 30 percent of the calcium found in milk, compared to 40 to 70 percent of the calcium found in vegies and fruits.

    Cow's milk contains proteins that are difficult for humans to digest; when these undigested proteins enter the lower digestive system, they putrefy and cause digestive problems. Dairy products encourage the production of excess mucus in the body, burdening the respiratory, digestive and immune systems.  Not surprisingly, when you ditch the milk and dairy people more often than not experience markedly fewer colds and sinus  & respiratory infections.

    Lactose intolerance can cause acid reflux, alternating bouts of constipation & diahorrea and will also lead to a compromised digestive system thus laying the groundwork for a body which is extremely susceptible to developing nose, throat, sinus, ear, bronchial, bladder and other infections as well....... Other symptoms she may be suffering from are mucous in the stools, bloating and cramping, digestive troubles such as constipation, belching and burping, gassiness and wet f*arting (sorry, no other way to say it), ribbony and stringy shaped bowel movements or rabbit pellet shaped movements are all symptoms of lactose intolerance. ...........

    I know that it's distressing when your little one is so young but really and truly, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by trying this out .............   i sincerely do wish you the very best of health & vitality ♥



  7. Try getting some ear oil from a health food store.  Its a blend of olive oil, garlic, mullen, and maybe some calendula or st. john's wort.  This has antibacterial properties and is soothing.  Just warm the oil up a little first and put a couple of drops in each ear.

  8. Sounds kinda weird but try putting fresh garlic in her ear.  It's prob. going to burn a little after awhile but it will die off.  Garlic is a natural anti biotic.

    Hydrogen peroxide in the ear would also help.

    I got this info from (home remedies for everything)  There are a lot more on the site for ear probs.

    You need to keep her off of the antibiotics.  You should buy some kefir from the health food section at the grocery and have her drink some as a treat.  It's a cultured yogurt drink.  It has lots of the good bactiera she lost while taking the ab's.  This is why she keeps getting sick.  She has no immune system basically since ab's wipe out ALL bacteria, good and bad.  Your immune system is mostly in your gut so you need lots of good bacteria to fight off the bad.  Acidophilis and lactobasilis are easy to find usually.  Kefir would be your best bet though.

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