
Ear piercing HELP ME!! 10 POINTS 4 BEST ANSWER!!?

by Guest44913  |  earlier

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ok i got my ears pierced at wal mart and they gave me a cleaning kit. the lady told me to wait 6 weeks to take them out. so i waited and waited but now it has been like 5 and a half right ear is now getting really itchy, red and a little swolen. but my left ear is like PERFECT!! is it infected? or should i just keep on cleaning it and wait? please help! please. p.s. (there ear lobe piercings). thnx




  1. wait and keep cleaning it for a few das, and if its still itchy and red, go back to wal-mart and talk to the lady.

  2. It should be ok cause thats wat happened 2 me (i've got 3 earings on each ear)

  3. Okay, calm down! I know, it's really overwhelming cause your totally freaked out, and hoping that nothings going to happen. I would NOT take it off by myself, and I'm not sure that I'd return to Walmart for them to take it off cause I don't think its as sanitary as other places to get it done. Go to a tattoo shop, or a piercing shop and ask them if they can take it off for you. Or if they don't do that just go back to Walmart. Keep cleaning your ears, and get ice and put it in a napkin and hold it against your ear. Good luck!

  4. Don't use the cleaning kit. it's waaay too harsh and slows down healing.

    clean it...

    You can do this two ways...

    A) (The lazy way; i normally use this way when i got to the gym and can't do proper hot sea salt soaks....) But 0.9% saline solution at the pharmacist (buy in small packets, as they become contaminated after opening and you don't want to be using a single contaminated packet for 6 months!) Take one end of a q-tip and saturate it with the saline solution. clean the front of the earring. take the other end of the q-tip, saturate it with saline, and clean the back.

    B) (The proper way; this is much better, as the heat encourages the dead cells and lymph to escape.) Mix 1/4 teaspoon of non-iodised sea salt into 1 cup of HOT WATER. Wait for it to cool a bit, and when it's as hot as you can bear, dip your ear in for 5-10 minutes. Repeat with the other ear.

    Both of these methods, do it 3 times a day for 1.5 months. Don't spin the jewelry or even touch the jewelry; all you'll be doing is spinning all the germs and gunk back into the piercing and disturbing the healing cells. Your jewelry will not stick to your skin if it's made of good materials!

    Don't use alcohol or the ear care solution given to you by your piercer. Alcohol is WAY too harsh, and will kill your skin cells instead of encouraging it to heal (that's why it stings). In addition to that, Alcohol kills the transient (good) bacteria in your skin, letting the invasive (bad) bacteria in.  Any polysporin or antiseptic is also bad, as they block air flow to the piercing, and lets the bacteria breed. In fact, don't ANYTHING ELSE other than sea-salt or saline solution. You will irritate it and make it harder to heal.

    any questions email me at

  5. do not remove your earing. just move the earing in circular motion while you put medicine or ointment then wait till the wound heal.

    sometimes that takes a week of 2.

  6. you should defiantly get it checked out. I have had my lobes pierced since i was 11 and from time to time one will get infected and i have to take my earrings out for a couple of days. but since yours might still be healing you should probably have a professional check it to make sure everything is okay.

  7. One ear can be infected while the other one look just fine.  You don't need to panic.  Continue to clean it (rubbing alcohol or saltwater works just as good as the cleaner they gave you).  There is no need to freak out quite yet, keep and eye on it, make sure it's not getting worse.  If it does get worse (example:  more swollen, puss, starting to get numbness) go see a doctor.  Also remember it can be red from you itching it, and when wounds heal they sometimes itch.  Just monitor it very well.  And again if it gets worse see a doctor.  I this helps.

  8. Well..that happened to my sis she just cleaned it all the time and waitied and now it's prefectly fine...if you have a different result from waititng then most probably u should see the doc..

  9. see the doctor!!!! it is TOTALLY infected!!!!  

  10. Yes I am sure it is...My friend got her ears pierced twice at wal mart and they got infected both times! Take the earings out now and go to the doctor! You can get them re pierced proffesionally once they heal up.

  11. it could be a chance that your right ear is a little more sensitive just keep on cleaning it because maybe its healing just keep cleaning it constantly and take them out on the 6 weeks.

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