
Ear piercing question

by  |  earlier

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my left ear is and has been fine, i can take it in and out without pain but my right ear is concerning me. when i twist it or tug on it a little it hurts more than my left. when i take it out the top of the hole seems to crust up. a couple days ago i bought non iodized salt and have been cleaning it and today i soaked it a couple of times. when ever i put the right earring back in it hurts but then i just try to slide it in as fast as possible. im cleaning it but its still hurting what gives? its almost been 7 weeks. when i cleaned it on the back i had some blood on the tissue so idk whats going on but it would really help if it wasnt painful.




  1. try not to mess with it as much, call a piercing store and ask for advice

  2. my ear does the same thing! funny i think it is my left ear too! lol I duno mine is infected maybe yours is to. All i did is wear one bad pair of earrings and they are infected. Don't worry it will just hurt nothing to worry about. Just clean your earrings before you put them on and clean your ear before and after wearing earings. Use the stuff you got when you peirced out ears or rubbing alchol.

  3. It takes around 6 months for an earlobe piercing to fully heal, if it's only been 7 weeks you shouldn't be taking out the earring at all

    The crust is normal and I strongly suspect the blood is from you taking it in and out and generally irritating it like crazy

    ETA: in response to other peoples wonderful advice, keep up the sea salt! Alcohol, peroxide, neosporin, 'ear care solution' that they sell at mall jewelery stores bactine and pretty much anything that isn't sea salt solution is horrible for a healing piercing and kills off the cells, all they'll do is irritate the hole and extend the healing period greatly

  4. Both ears aren't always going to heal at the same pace. Don't worry about it crusting up, that's normal. Don't take the earring out at all. Just leave it in until it stops hurting. It might not be infected, it probably just hurts because you've been messing with it too much but just in case, put a little bit of peroxide on it and that will take care of the infection fast. WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T PUT ALCOHOL ON IT! Alcohol will only dry it out and it will take longer to heal.

  5. The same exact thing happened to me a year ago i just didnt bother with it and got it re pierced 6 months later after the hole closed

  6. infected, or your body is rejecting the piercing, either way,clean it with soap and water ONCE very throughly, and then let it heal itself. it will get the crusty gunk on it, but DON'T pick it, just let it heal for about 2 weeks without touching it or cleaning it, you will see that it will get better and better over the day that you don't touch it at all. It will heal itself. trust me, it happened to me many times.  

  7. um i use rubbing alcohol on it ddon'tuse pperoxideit really makes it worser

  8. Hey! I am really sorry about this whole dilemma.Your problem is that your right ear is infected. It's no big deal. All you have to do is either go to your local otolarengologist (ear, nose, and throat doctor) or go to Claire's and buy some ear piercing cleanser. If you don't have the time or money just try my favorite home remedy:

               1. Take your earring out

               2. Wipe your ear (front and back) with rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab

              3. Now apply some Neosporin (any drug store)

              4. Repeat this process until you have a positive result

  9. put peroxide on it

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