
Ear piercing was closing. I poked through it and put an earring in. It bled and is sore, what can I put on it?

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My second piercing was starting to close and I really didn't want it to obviously, lol. I poked through the skin and it started to bleed and now both ears are sore. What can I put on it to clean it or help it heal or whatever?




  1. 1. boil kettle

    2. pour into cup

    3. add small amount of salt, till water tastes like your teas.

    4. wait till temperature is appropriate for you to apply liquid to you ear, apply using cotton wool and hold on piercing to bath the ear.

    should get better overnight but this must be done till healed, twice daily.

    do not use alcohol or peroxide, too strong for 'cuts' imo, can cause more damage. Use once healed just to be sure.

    good luck!

  2. I would recommend anti septic, alcohol, aloe vera straight from the plant, ice it to cool it downn and to stop it from swelling. All these things will help your ear.  

  3. my third hole was the same thing.

    i put string through my hole so it could close with out an earring in the way.

    though you should take out your earring and clean it with peroxide and alcohol and if you have neosporin put it on your ear before you put the earring back through it.

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