
Ear problem, I think it is wax buildup, I used ear drops but didnt help?

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Ear problem, I think it is wax buildup, I used ear drops but didnt help?




  1. Don't ear candle

    I always use a q-tip every day after a shower..

  2. My husband had a problem with his one of his ears, not being able to hear out of it very well. He used the drops, but it didn't help. He thought it could be wax buildup too. He went to a doctor and they flushed his ear out. A lot of yucky stuff was flushed out. His hearing was restored. If the drops aren't working, then go to a doctor and have your ear examined. Hope you feel better soon.

  3. hello,,when I was in a detox program,(drug and alcohol),the doctor used a mixture of mild dishwashing soap and warm water. Put it into a squirting device,and don't use a super soaker!! something like those snot suckers you use on babies,,haha.

  4. Go to an ENT...could be something serious.

  5. Ok. this is really gross, BUT, there is something you can buy from herbal stores called candle wax for ears and you must have someone help you do this! WARNING!!! do not do this alone! Here's what you do:

    1. go to an herbal store near you.

    2. ask for the wax candles for your ears. (they'll know exactly what you are talking about.)

    3. have your friend help w/this.

    4. These "candles" are in the shape of a cone.

    5. stick the smallest end of the tube/cone in your ear, light the other end (the wider part of the wax cone) with a lighter.

    6. What happens is, the smoke goes in your ear and like a tornado, spirals down in your ear canal and literally pulls the wax out of your ear. It performs like a "suction" effect. You will FREAK when you see what comes out! GROSS. but it works, it's legal and safe as long as you do it with someone.'s almost impossible to do it alone so, i've done it before. I didn't believe the person that told me but he kept on talking about it and finally we did it and my ears were so happy after that. That was like 5 yrs. ago. I need to do it again. LOL

  6. There is a kit you can buy at any pharmarcy that contains this balloon-squeeze thing and drops to soften the ear wax.  What I do, I put in the drops to soften the ear wax at night, and the next day I rinse my ears with peroxide 3-4 times, and after that I carefully clean the canal with cotton swabs....

  7. you can try ear candeling (a massage therapist can do it). this pulls some ear wax out.... if you dont want to do that, then you probably shoudl go to the dr...

  8. Ear drops typically won't help to remove the earwax buildup... most of them just help to soften it (which can actually make it worse right off the bat). The ear drops should probably have instructions of how long to use them before you should flush your ear, too.

    My best suggestion is to go to your regular doctor (or any GP can help) to get your ear wax flushed out. The doctor should check in your ear before the flushing to make sure that's what it is (and there's no damage that could cause a problem), so if it's something else, they can see that beforehand. I've had my ears flushed a few times over the years... it feels weird, but it doesn't hurt at all, plus it only takes like 5 minutes. Good luck!

  9. Pouring  a little hydrogen peroxid in the ear for wax buildup works the best I have every found for fixing that. It is safe to use, just tip your head pour a little in your ear, you can hear it bubble, let it sit there for a little bit, then turn your head over and let it drip out. Very effective and not very costly at all.

  10. After you use the drops a couple of days, use the blue ball thing to GENTLY blow some water in there - it will come out after a few tries.

    It's just like they do at the Drs.

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