
Ear stretching: How long should you wait before jumping to 0g from 2g?

by  |  earlier

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Seeing as this is a full 2mm jump, should you wait longer? If so, how long? Months?





  1.  hey so I'm a girl with 7/16" & I have some advice (:

    for me it seemed like movin up was easy & painless up til 0g.. then when I bought 00g plugs and tapers.. I COULDN'T EVEN GET THE TAPERS HALF OF THE WAY THROUGH.. & i had waited a month or so.. so if it comes down to this same reality for some of you.. juss take 0g plugs (or tapers) & add a layer or two of tape around it (duct tape, & electrical tape works best), then slide em in, then the next day, add another layer of tape.. put them back in.. & then do so again the next day, & so on & so on.. til they're juss right to slide in the 00g (: That's what I did. Hope this might help someone (:

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