
Early August Bright Light in the SE sky???

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I've been seeing a bright light in the SE sky for the past several nights. Is there a planet that can be viewed this time of year that would cause this to happen???




  1. I think you're seeing Jupier.  We're nearing closest approach in our orbits, so it appears bright & brillant.

  2. jupiter. ppl have only asked this about 10,000 times recently.

    have a look with binoculars or a telesscope. it's really cool.

  3. This is probably Jupiter.  It's currently a little above and to the left of Sagittarius.

  4. It's definitely jupiter. Recently, in June, the little red spot had collided with the red spot and that gave Jupiter the brightness that we can see in the night sky.

  5. Jupiter.  Check it out with binoculars.

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