
Early Bird and Late bird, will it ever work?

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My girls friend of 8 months likes to sleep in every day on the weekends. This is begining to be a problem for us because I am a morning person she always sleeps in so much... I want to have good s*x in the morning or to at least have her wake me up to do something together. She never wakes me up and I always end up waking her up. She is annoyed when I wake her up and always wants to go right back to bed. It sucks for me cause she doesn't want to be with me, would rather sleep. I get frusterated, she gets anoyed.. and it is getting worse! What can I do to make this work for us? Should I try to change her or should I accept that this is the case and deal with it or leave her alltogether?




  1. You cannot change her.  It sounds like you don't want to deal with it - and that is absolutely fine.  If you are a morning person and want to start your day early, you  need to find someone who has the same outlook.  

  2. she is not going to change, accept her or move on.  

  3. if you really love her then you are going to have to accept this and find some way to deal with this. just find a time for lovemaking. its not that hard. try sunset or something. just try to make it work. i think you should talk to her. and tell her that you love her and are going to try to make this work for your relationship.something cute and sweet along those lines. and she will see how much you really care and she might try to help too. and change her ways. good luck!! and for now just work around it but most defiently talk to her.

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