
Early Childhood Education Units? How hard or easy?

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I will be returning to school in less than a week. I have a Bachelors in Psychology and spent about the 4 1/2 years after that working as an teachers aide in special education.

I want to work with typical, non-challenged, "normal" children now but have no E.C.E units.

I will not be working while in school so I am okay with taking a lot of units. I need to take four classes a semester to get a certificate in E.C.E.I am debating on whether to take an additional 1-2 classes each semester to get a lead teacher certificate.

I was told E.C.E classes are very easy. I am wondering if this is true? What are your experiences? I am guessing I have taken much harder classes in the past.

~ Thanks.

* The classes will be so I can be a preschool or kindergarten teacher and/or work in a preschool.




  1. I am almost certain that these classes will not be any more difficult than what you have already taken.

    What kind of classes do they offer for ECE? Fingerpainting 101? Sharing for Beginners?  

  2. I guess it all depends on where you take them. At the local community college where I live I took them and loved them. I thought that they were a lot easier then my education classes for the university. They were fun, we read children's stories, painted, created fun lesson plans, and observed preschool classrooms. I really got to show my creative side. We had a few papers, but not a whole lot.

  3. it depends on your level of understanding.  some people have a difficult time with the classes as they have trouble getting down to the level of the children they'd be teaching.

    i loved my classes and found them fun and easy.  just take combinations that are well thought out.  like child psyche, art, music, observations.  that way you have 2 classes that require a lot of reading/papers and 2 that are just fun.

    good luck.

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