
Early Pregnancy symptoms ?

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I had unprotected s*x during the month and my period is due on 18th August and still nothing. I was on BC Pills and Metformin for past 2 months. Is there chances that I could be pregnant?

I have symptoms like back pain, bleeding in the gums, feeling hungry, unsually tired and light headedness for past 1 week.

Yesterday I took HPT in the night and got faint positive line and i took another test in the morning and it came negative Am I Pregnant?

Thanks in Advance




  1. Take another test hun. Third times the charm!!!! Good luck

  2. maybe but the hormon isn't going up yet, take another test after 2-3 days if no period,

  3. It does really sound like you are pregnant. I got pregnant on the pill myself, and those are early symptoms of pregnancy.

    I would go to the DR, and tell them, or even try taking another home test of a different brand. It could just be that you don't have much pregnancy hormones yet.

    My friend was getting constant negative tests, and her period still did not come, so she finally went to the DR and asked them to do a blood test, turns out she WAS pregnant, she now has a beautiful 6 month old baby!

    Good luck.

  4. sounds like you could be pregnant... take another test in 2 days or go see your doctor for blood work, asap.

  5. yes u could be preg.i had the same symptoms but except for being hungry i used to feel full.  

  6. Wait a couple of days and then test again.

    The hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (better known as hCG) is produced during pregnancy. It is made by cells that form the placenta, which nourishes the egg after it has been fertilized and becomes attached to the uterine wall. Levels can first be detected by a blood test about 11 days after conception and about 12 - 14 days after conception by a urine test. In general the hCG levels will double every 72 hours. The level will reach its peak in the first 8 - 11 weeks of pregnancy and then will decline and level off for the remainder of the pregnancy.

    Good luck :)

  7. You have a really big change take a blood test is more accurate... Good Luck ... Dont forget to see a doctor

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