
Early american history- slaves and indentured servants?? help please?

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how and why did the virginia ruling class begin to drive a wedge between the white indentured servants and the enslaved blacks?

thanks a lot




  1. The MAJOR differences between the two include that indentured servants were GENERALLY white Europeans while slaves were of African descent.  Indentured servants were also required to serve a certain number of years, and became free after that, while slaves were pretty much enslaved for life.  Also, rascism played a HUGE role in the institution of slavery / servitude.  Although it sounds absurd today, people believed that slaves were inferior, and were meant to work for thier "superior white masters."  Also, due to rascism, the treatment of the two groups was highly different.  Although indentured servants didn't try to escape, they were treated a lot more respectably [since they were WHITE.]   Also, indentured servants became obsolete when a source of cheap labor [aka slavery] became more popular.  Hope that helps!

  2. That totally sounds like your homework.

  3. I'd say they were interested in popularizing/cementing the whole notion of white supremacy. Racism between the poorer classes kept the poorer classes from focusing their hatred on the white slave owners. It's the sort of divide and conquer technique that maintains the stability of the power structure, and the whites on top were all for that.

    But I'd also say you should do your own homework.

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