
Early childhood education or Elementary education?

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hi i'm thinking about my career. If I want to teach grades 1-4 in Pa, which major should i take early childhood education or elementary education?




  1. In Ohio, early childhood education is grades pre-K - 3 (I have this and teach 2nd grade).  Ohio no longer offers elementary (stopped 5 years ago, use to be grades 1 - 8).  If you want to teach grades 4 - 9 in Ohio, you need a middle school license.  And be specialized in 2 subject areas (math an science for example).  Every state is different so check with PA's state department of education, they should have a website.  Good Luck!

  2. In PA, you cannot teach 4th grade with early childhood ed.  You must major in elementary if you ever want to teach higher than 3rd.

  3. I don't know for sure how it works in PA, but as someone who has pursued and since left this career field in TX I will make a personal recommendation.

    Get some training in both.  Find out what programs are available at the campuses near you.  Do a double major or something, but make sure that you get some quality hands-on experience prior to the internship and student teaching practicum with various classes at each end of this range.

    If you go the elementary ed route, don't just pass the exit test for the early childhood endorsement--take some classes and get some experience working with this age group.

    If you go the early childhood route and don't get a straight elem ed certificate, you may be limiting yourself.  You may decide down the road that you want to teach upper grades, or you may be employed by a school district that wants their early childhood grade levels more in line with traditional elementary teaching methods.

    Talk to some teachers in your area, especially in the districts where you would like to work.

  4. Early childhood would be the preschool years if you wanted to focus on Kindergarden, Head Start or work in a preschool system.  If you want 1-4 then go for the elementary.  You could double major if you want to.  My degree is in art and education which means I am certified K-12 in art, but as far as education goes I can do 1-12.  I did my practicum in the 3rd grade for the elementary part,  My art practicum was in the middle and high school.  To be honest, I loved middle and high school better, but perhaps because of my area dear to my heart as I felt like a glorified babysitter in 3rd.  You have to love where you are at and maybe 1-4 is right for you.

  5. Early childhood is a pre-school level, elementary education are grades K-3 (K-4) in some states. It looks as though you would be better suited for elementary ed.

    Good Luck!!!

  6. thats Elementary education.

    good choice in a career

  7. I am a student in Nebraska.  Next school year I will be student teaching to finish my degree.  I decided to get my degree in elementary education with an endorsement in early childhood education.  In doing so, I can teach preschool to sixth grade.  I would suggest doing this so that you have a wide variety of options available to you.  Look for a good school to help you along.  My college has been able to get me through in four years.  It has cost me more than some other schools I could have gone to, but they have helped me through the whole process and it's only going to take me four years to get through the program and graduate!  Good luck!

  8. early childhood education is more so with 3-5 year olds (preschool)

    so if you want to teach grades 1-4 i suggest elementary education

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