
Early childhood project creating a toy?

by Guest33058  |  earlier

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HELP! I have a project due on sunday, and no ideas what to do it with. The college level class I'm taking is called Child Development. I'm supposed to create a toy for an infant in early, middle or late infancy stages. so a toy for up to about a year old. I need to be able to take a picture or draw it, then write about it, about how it is developmentally appropiate. i just need an idea of what kind of toy i can create. i don't really have any at all. at least none that i think would work. the ONLY thing that i could think of was maybe a puzzle and when the child puts in the correct piece it presses a button that says what the piece is... example.... the puzzle is of colored shapes, and when the child correctly puts in the blue square... the audio puzzle says "Blue square" .... but i don't really think its age appropiate, i think it might be for a little bit older children. can anyone give me ANY ideas??? please?! thank you in advance for your help!!!




  1. No, a puzzel would not be good for a baby, they need things like textures, sounds, and bright colors. Also very important is it will probobly go into their mouth....:)

    You could create and color cube that has different colors and each side is a different texture, like fuzzy, smooth, bumpy, or wavy, and inside could be a rattle or squeaker....look on babies r us website for ideas...

  2. 1 year old - that's  pretty young for a puzzle anyway - create blocks out of kleenex boxes or something and have her stack them.  Anything to stack or knock over or rattles.

  3. I made an alphabet book with 'touch' letters

    It was three a long rectangle.

    The from left to right the letters were ...felt, construction paper, wall paper from different textures and designs

    I did the alphabet 3 times.....the pages could be flipped to spell different words,....c a t     d o g   s i t     etc

    I got an A

  4. Go to a toy store and look at the toys and see what ages they recommend. Maybe you'll see something you could modify to fit the requirements of your class. Your puzzle doesn't sound age appropriate since babies under 1 tend to put everything into their mouth to explore and discover. Most babies don't have the hand-eye coordination your game would require.

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