
Early maternal this normal?

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I'm 17 and have very strong maternal instincts. I want to settle down and have a baby. Obviously I want to go to college first, but sometimes when I think about having kids I get really excited and happy for it, and I feel like I can't wait to get pregnant later on. My boyfriend (whom I love very much) had a pregnancy scare a few summers ago and hates the idea of babies to the point where I can't even talk about my married 30 year old sister's potential pregnancy. Is it normal to be this maternal this young?




  1. Yeah, its normal. Just wait until you're out of college, and find a guy who wants kids too. From the way it sounds, if you stay will him you'll never be able to have kids :(

  2. Its normal. But do not do it! I have friends who I have watched have babies at 17 and 18 and now they are 20 with todlers and they are miserable. The dads are no where to be found. The kids dont have anyone to call daddy. Get married first and get your life together so you can give that child all that you can! DO NOT be selfish and bring a child into this world for your own personal satisfaction because if you cannot provide everything that this child needs physically and emotionally then do not do it. I have a cousin that is 15 and 7 months pregnant. Her and I had a little chat about this. She felt that it was time to be a mom and now she is regreting it because daddy left and now she doesnt have a job and my aunt is taking care of her and will take care of her baby. Its horrible. Make sure that it is in the best interest of the CHILD befroe you even think about it!!!

  3. I would say yes! when I was your age I was like that also, but then again i had a sister that also had a baby, so i think i was at the point were i felt like it was the right time  but it really wasn't. Now that I'm 26 its a perfect time only because i did schooling and i have a steady job. If your 17 do you really feel your ready to give everything up for a lil one ? Your child comes first and you come 2nd. I would double think that.... Good luck with your decision. = )

  4. I think it's normal.  I can remember in school, when asked "what do you want to be when you grow up?"  I would say "a mommy"!!!   I thought my longing to be a mom was fate or something telling me that I needed to rush it!!!  Take it from me... Motherhood and being married is so much more rewarding when you are ready for it mentally and emotionally!!!!  

    DON"T RUSH IT!!!

    Good Luck!!!!!   You have lots of time ahead of you!!!  

  5. actually yes but your boyfriend obviously doesnt want a baby right now and i know a lot of people who would say wait but im really young too and want to have a baby so bad im a freshman in college but since i was like 16 or so ive wanted a baby too and really no one has been able to talk me out of it  

  6. yes its normal but you seem like you have your head on straight just do what you have to do for yourself and find someone who will enjoy a child with you! Good luck with college and everything

  7. totally normal!! you will be a great mommy when the time comes!

    Dont pressure your BF. You guys aren't ready to have kids yourselves. When the time comes you will be done with school and in a stable relationship with a partner that is ready.

    Until then enjoy being an aunt and getting through school!!

  8. There are alot of us that can't wait to be a mom. I have a step son that is 14 and my husband and I fostered 3 other children and Im 9 months pregnant with my 1st and I can't wait to have more. I met my husband when I was 17 and my step son was four at the time. I wouldn't trade any of it.

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