
Early mom questions need help please?

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ok i am 16 when i have the baby i'll have just turned 17. i need 2 know some stuff about all this. when is the 1st time i need 2 go 2 the doctor 4 being pregnant, like how far along should i be? and how do i tell my parents, i havent even told them yet. i dont want them 2 freak out or nothin...and 2, me and the babies father is planning on getting married and moving in 2gether b4 the baby is born, if i'm pregant with his child in the state of Indiana am i allowed 2 get married 2 him and move in with him now? please tell me all i need 2 know. thanks!




  1. You need to have your first appointment when you are between 8-10 weeks along.  When you tell your parents just sit them down and be honest with them and let them know that you are being responsible about this and that you have thought this through and let them know your plans.  I also think you should think about the getting married thing because it is not something to do just because you happen to have become pregnant.  You should wait and see how things go after the babies born because being a parent is hard and it will strain your relationship and if you add a marriage onto it that will just add to the stress.  Good Luck!

  2. Most states you have to be emancipated or have your parents permission to get married so young.  If you wanted to though you could always go to Vegas.  Though you can always get married later.  My friends had a baby together a year before they got married.  Now as far as going to the doctor.  You need to go asap.  If you need to go to a free clinic.  But the sooner you go the better because there are so many things that the doctor can help with so that you have a safe and healthy pregnancy and there is another thing it is not fun to go in this alone.  When you feel a little more financially stable tell your parents.  In the mean time try to get on WIC and medicaid and talk to your school counslor to see if he or she has any suggestions on how you can complete your high school diploma and if there are any other govenment/private programs that can help you.  But just do your research and good luck.

  3. well, right now the best thing to do is tell your parents. Ask them to sit down and say you have something to tell them. Announce that you are pregnant and see how they take it. My mom would be dissappointed but probably not angry because what;s done is done. They would know exactly what to do. Don't worry about them getting angry, it;s for your and the baby's sake. as for the rest, i;m 13, so i  have no idea. I'm not joking or trying to be stupid but if your super nervous about telling your parents, watch the scence in Juno. That might help, or go to a chat room or google and see how others have broken the news. Good luck with the baby!

  4. You need to get in to see a doctor as soon as you can. As for your parents you need to both go and talk to them and tell them.

  5. you should go to the doctor as soon as you know. there are lots of things you need to know and the sooner the better. I'm not sure about Indiana but if you have parents consent I think you can get married other wise you have to wait until your 18. you'll have to do some research I guess on that one but go to the doctor now.

  6. Go to the doctor as soon as possible, which means as soon as you tell your parents. It might be a good idea to tell them in a public place to avoid an outburst, so maybe your boyfriend and you can treat them to a nice dinner out. In order to get married you need parent's permission before 18. But, like another poster mentioned, it is best to keep your parents insurance and get married after the baby is born. COBRA may be offered to you, but at an increased cost. However your parents insurance will not cover your baby after he or she is born (even with COBRA) so apply for medicaid/ SCHIP. You can do this by calling your local welfare department or department of job and family services.

    If you two do not get married right away, please get child support. It is in your child's best interest to get it. Even if you two are together. It is a safety measure that you need to take. After you get married, he will not have to pay it anymore.

  7. 1.  If you are pregnant, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible.  The doctor has vitamins your baby needs you to take.  If at all possible now, start taking Flintstone Vitamins.

    2.  How you tell your parents is up to you.  They are probably going to freak out b/c you are so young.  But don't worry, once they see theire grand baby, they won't be mad anymore.

    3.  You can't get married.  You're a minor.  You maybe the parent of a child, and you can make decisions for your child, but not yourself until your 18.  It's silly, but it's the law.

    Good luck to you.  I would tell your parents as soon as possible so they can help you.

  8. well not too sure on the whole state law thing...but you really need to go to the dr right away when you find out you are pregnant because you need to start taking care of yourself right away...good luck and congrats

  9. I had my 1st Son when I was 15 .You need to go as soon as possible.After you take a home pregnancy test and you have told the Dad you are expecting I would sit your Parents down and tell them,You can do this by your Self or with your Boyfriend.If you are under the age of 18 you need your parents consent to get married. Please understand that your parents are going to be upset and disappointed in you,But they will get over it and they will help you out with the child.

  10. Congrats! Everything happens for a reason so although its a big deal everything will work out in the end. You should go to the doctor ASAP but I would first tell your parents that way you can have your mom go with you. Honesty is the best policy, I know you want to hold off telling them as long as possible but I would just tell them so that's one thing off your chest. All you can do is set them down and tell them the truth. Do they like your boyfriend, if not I would say for him to say stay home when you tell them the news. Initially no matter how loving, understanding, or "cool" your parents are I'm sure they are going to be taken aback by this and at first will act very shocked possibly mad, but eventually they will come to their senses and stand by your side. After all a good parent loves their children unconditionally. As far as marrying the father of the baby. You must love him however things change when you have a baby and it's going to be hard enough being a young mother. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you to get married. As far as the Indian law you will have to search that on the net. I hope this helps and if you believe in God pray like you've never prayed before. God works in mysterious ways and you'll be surprised what might happen.

  11. you can look up your other questions online also. In your state's laws. You will need to go to the docter asap to get prenatal care. And to get your prenatal vitamen's.

  12. am i the only person that wonders where were her parents when she was getting impregnated?  where were all the responsible questions before s*x???

    u need to call the doctor now. get proper prenatal care.

    how do u tell your parents?  I'm assuming that since you haven' t told them, your expecting a negative response.  what do u expect.  tell them now.  get it over with.  the longer u wait, the more stress and agony you will be in.  do  it now and quick.  like taking off a bandaid.

    before you go off and get married, does the father have health ins? a job?  if he doesn't, then it would be best to stay on your parents health insurance.  if you don't have ins, a birth can get expensive.  if you end up having a c-section, it will be double.  the baby should also be seen soon after the birth for follup and immunizations.   start saving your money!!!!!!!!

    alright. go and discuss with your parents your plan.

  13. you should go and see the doctor asap and they will tell you when they need to see you next... probably once a month for the first few months. start taking a prenatal pill immediatly!! it is very good for you and the baby.. try materna. you should start to drink at least a liter of milk a day, a carton of eggs a week and a 2L jug of juice per week on average...

    tell your parents im sure that at first they will be upset but when the time comes they will fall inlove with your baby..

    i know that you want to do what is right for you and your baby but getting married at your age and moving in with your bf is probably not a good idea. your parents are probably in a better possition to help you. the stress of a baby can really tear people apart.

    let me know what happends i would be happy to chat with you during your pregnancy

    good luck :)

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