My 4 year old is kind of obsessed with her door k**b to her bedroom. She always wants to be the one to close her door, and if someone else closes the door, then she throws a fit until they touch the k**b on the other side- like it's not equal if they touch one side of the door k**b and not the other. I have caught her before jiggling the door k**b before she opens the door. She wipes her door k**b off several times a day.
She's also picky about the ceiling fan in her room. When it's not running, it has to sit just right.
Otherwise, her room is pretty messy. I have to make her pick her toys up and stuff all the time.
The door k**b and the ceiling fan though are a little odd to me. Someone mentioned it could be early signs of OCD. Does anyone know anything about the subject?