
Early pregnancy and s*x!!?

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I have a question this may be unusual or something but everytime for the last 2 months s*x has been not the same to me. I dont know if I am pregnant or not but its too early for me to be able to tell but s*x seems different to me... like it hurts me it feels like its hitting something and I have never felt this before ever. and if I am ever on top it hurts even worse and I cant understand why I try different things and everything and nothing seems to help..

its not a bad pain but its a sharp pain in my lower stomach and I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this??




  1. I've never had anything like this or have heard of it with any of my friends. Are you relaxed when your having s*x or do you feel like your body is tense? Maybe that has something to do with it. If you have some sort of stress going on in your life it could be manifesting itself through your s*x life maybe. I would get it checked out by a Dr to make sure there is nothing wrong with you physically and then go from there! Good Luck!

  2. go see a doctor ,this is not a pregnancy symptom...

  3. i get that sometimes when i'm not pregnant. i find mostly around when my period is due that it happens. your lucky you can have s*x. i cant for 10 weeks because i have placenta previa. but just take it easy and tell your partner to be gentle for a while. he should accept that. atleast he's getting some. lol

  4. Ahh, I had this before I even got pregnant but it got much worse when I finally became pregnant. I found out that it is a tilited uterus, which is why sometimes s*x is painful and sometimes its not... sometimes you feel as if he is "hitting" something and sometimes you dont. I dont think there is anything drs can do (mine didnt recommend anything) but really its something you just have to deal with and something like 1 out of every 4 women who has it- it will correct itself eventually..

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