I have a question about early pregnancy symptoms. Let me clarify by saying a few things...
first, I have not taken a pregnancy test yet... it is too early
I have not seen my dr yet either.
I am looking for personal experiences, not medical advice.
So, with that in mind..
My DH and I are TTC #2. I have been feeling strange since 8/9/08. I had blood tinged CM and started with dizzy spells. Ever since around 8/12/08 I have been super tired and my belly is swollen. I have period -like cramps, but it is no where near the time for AF. I think that I am pregnant (let's hope it is not psychosomatic!!). Along with all of this, my b*****s started feeling a little tingly yesterday, and I also started feeling little twinges of nausea yesterday. Also, my CM is watery and EW after ovulation.
So, my question is, does this sound like I could be pregnant? Has anyone out there experienced any of these symptoms very early on in pregnancy? My period is due on 8/26. My first pregnancy, I did not experience any of these things (minus the tingly b*****s) until about 8 weeks. Can it start this early??
Thank you for sharing your experiences. Here's to hoping for a posiitve HPT next week!! :)