
Early pregnancy question?

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I have a question about early pregnancy symptoms. Let me clarify by saying a few things...

first, I have not taken a pregnancy test yet... it is too early

I have not seen my dr yet either.

I am looking for personal experiences, not medical advice.

So, with that in mind..

My DH and I are TTC #2. I have been feeling strange since 8/9/08. I had blood tinged CM and started with dizzy spells. Ever since around 8/12/08 I have been super tired and my belly is swollen. I have period -like cramps, but it is no where near the time for AF. I think that I am pregnant (let's hope it is not psychosomatic!!). Along with all of this, my b*****s started feeling a little tingly yesterday, and I also started feeling little twinges of nausea yesterday. Also, my CM is watery and EW after ovulation.

So, my question is, does this sound like I could be pregnant? Has anyone out there experienced any of these symptoms very early on in pregnancy? My period is due on 8/26. My first pregnancy, I did not experience any of these things (minus the tingly b*****s) until about 8 weeks. Can it start this early??

Thank you for sharing your experiences. Here's to hoping for a posiitve HPT next week!! :)




  1. I think it's possibly to have symptoms fairly early in the beginning. You could be pregnant, but it could also be that you're reading too much into it and just experiencing period signs. The only way you'll know is if you test after a missed period. Patience sucks, I know. I'm going through the same thing! My period is due on the 26th, and we had unprotected around and on the day of my projected ovulation.

    Hope you get a positive!

  2. of course,your hormones change! i am 5 weeks and i have all those symptoms and have had them for the last 2 maybe your are let all us know!!

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