
Early pregnancy symptoms or clomid?

by  |  earlier

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I have been on clomid for the last 3 months, and this is my first month with 100mg. For the last 4-5 days strange things have been happening, first I had sore swollen b*****s with very tender nipples, now slight nausea (no vomiting), constant heartburn, headaches, and constipation. Some of these I know could be pregnancy symptoms, but today is only cycle day 25 and I was just wondering if it could be the clomid tricking my body. What do you think. I plan to test in a week.




  1. clomid can cause the same symptoms as being preg. so it is hard to tell, be careful about getting your hopes up. good luck!

  2. Did you get a hcg booster shot in combination with the clomid?  I know that when I did, I was sick the entire 2 WW and then never was sick again during the pgcy, lol.

    Its totally possible to have symptoms already.

    Best of luck to you.

  3. I had clomid back in the 80s and didn't have any symptoms like that till I was pg.

    I was on the lowest doseage though.

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