
Early release from parole supervision?

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I am wondering if its possible to hire an attorney to help in being released early from parole supervision? I was convicted at 18 for forgery, 20 year sentence, with a boyfriend and did an actual 10 years in prison and was released to parole for the remaining 10 yrs. I have been out for 6 yrs now with no new charges not even a traffic ticket, I am on good terms with my PO and am even about to marry a detective here in town. I am trying to find info on being released early from my last 4 yrs of reporting to parole. I know forgery is now a 2 yr state jail offense and I did TEN FLAT on my forgery charge. I know I did wrong and a price has been paid so I was wondering if its possible to be released early from supervision and do I need an atty to help in this or is there something or someone I can write myself in hopes of this dream? Please no sarcastic answers, I never said I didnt deserve punishment, but cmon I know murderers who did less time than myself. I am in texas by the way.




  1. WOW YOU MUST HAVE FORGED SOME STUFF TO GET THAT but i was released from probation early by paying all my fines and supervisory fees early but 10 years of fees may be costly in my case it was $10 a visit  ASK YOUR PO they may have the answer your looking for and GOOD LUCK

  2. numero uno, POs need to have some people to check up on the judicial system is a racket which sorrily feeds itself by convicting people either to strongly for small crimes because these are the easiest people to keep in there system. u probably could get less PO time if u have enough money. justise isn't blind IT'S CROOKED  

  3. Is there any attorney in your town you could discuss it with? I really feel for you and hope you can achieve your dream. My husband almost landed in jail as well and guess for what? For having a verbal argument with his own father!!!  

  4. I sure want to know the answer to this, too. My husband got put on a 7-yr. parole because this stupid ex-girlfriend cried and cried and blamed him for things that never happened. He got found guilty for stalking, even though it was proven that they were seeing each other, equally. I can't believe judges still believe women just because they cry! Good luck!

    Ernie D, you are 100% correct! Prosecuting attorneys prosecute anyone for anything, just to make a name for themselves. They don't care about what's right and wrong.

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