
Earning Parents Trust Back...

by  |  earlier

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Okay this is what i NEED to be answered.

Okay so the last time i went to my friend's house, we went to the park and "supposedly" "broke" a guys sunglasses.

But FYI we didn't. And yeah.

So a few months later. I went to have a sleepover. And my friends step-dad wanted us to go get him starbucks. So that meantt walking down the block or so to Safeway. Well... before I went over there I promised my mom that I wouldn't do anything like that again. Well anyways on our way walking there... I spotted my moms car. Same licensee plate and all! I was freaking out. I knew I was going to go home. And guess what??? I did. Know I got my cellphone took away. And it sucks. I am trulyy sorry, and I have told that to her many times. I NEED to earn her trust back A-S-A-P. Please help!




  1. "..go it took.." OUCH           No such word as anywayS.

  2. wait a minute. why did you get in trouble? i don't see what's wrong with that. sometimes parents get mad at the most dumbest reasons. something similar happened to me, except my parents don't take away anything from me. it took like a few days for them to regain my trust, but they did.

    probably a few days then, your parents will trust u again.

  3. i don't see why you're in trouble

  4. I will tell you the truth despite my screenmane I am being sincere. You can't earn your parents trust again,one you srew up,that's it.

    parent believe in one strike your out.

  5. Well she just wants to feel like she can trust you...All you had to do was call her and tell her that her dad wants starbucks and you wanted to know if its ok with her if you leave with your friend!

    Just give her rtime and she will  get over it a bit! I dont blame a days its crazy! and having kids is scary we us mothers worry,....I mean my kids are babies still but still Im already worried and they r 3 and under lol SOoooo just give her time and let her know you love and respect her, and that you know you should have called and asked her, and it will not happen again...and that you are truely sorry...and her trust means alot to you!

    and you will  understand if she stays mad at you, but hope she can forgive you...and know that you understand how she feels...


  6. you didnt do anything. Did you tell your friend to tell there mom? parents are hard!!  

  7. Well you are not being specific here ... you're saying you went to the park and broke a guys sunglasses? How? Lol, then your saying you did but really didn't? Im confused. Then your saying you promised your mom not to do that ever again and then you go to starbucks and then your in trouble? You're very confusing, im already mixed up here. All I can say is '' 0__o Good Luck with that''.

  8. i don't understand what you did wrong...but telling her you love her and showing you're a responsible person from doing chores to good grades are always a plus

  9. it will just take time

  10. You should have callled and told her you were going there.

    But I dont see what you did wrong.

  11. let her know it was your friend's step-dad who asked you to go do a coffee-run for him and it wasn't any of your fault.  if she wants, let her know she can even talk to him.  tell him the situation first so he can explain to her that you were only going because he asked you to and he should take the fall because he was the responsible adult who let you wander out.  it wasn't like you were going out to do anything irresponsible or stupid that would betray her.

  12. Sorry kid, but there's nothing you can do to earn your mom's trust back ASAP. As you have already found out it's far easier to lose someones faith in you than it is to earn it.

    Remember the best predictor of someones future behaviour is their past behaviour. So now you have to build a new past that shows only trustworthy behaviour.

    That takes time, so best get started & good luck.

  13. I'm not clear on what happened....very confusing.

  14. It will take time, earning trust or respect is one of those things that need to be built upon. Give her time, show that you're a mature adult and she'll soon come around.  

  15. Did she really think that nothing bad would ever happen again if you walked outside with friends? You were doing something that an adult asked. And she knew you were sleeping over at your friend's house.

    I think you need to sit down with your mom and explain what happened. Then tell her that while you want to respect her and have her trust you, you didn't get in trouble that one time with a friend because you were loitering and were causing trouble. It was a fluke.

    She might decide that you can't hang out with that friend anymore, and that's not fair. You have some choices to make here.

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