
Earning money for new phone?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not a spoiled brat or anything, but I really want a new phone and my mom has agreed to let me get one if I earned the money.

I'm already doing chores and I mow the lawn. I earn 25 dollars from mowing the lawn(each time i do it) and 12 for chores(each week). I want to get the phone before September 1st, because thats around when school starts. Im getting the new lg enV2, so it's around 250 that I need.

What are some other things I could around home or like is there something I could make then sell(im not very good at creative thinking), Im 13 so I cant get a job.




  1. Hmmm 13 is pretty young. I'm not sure of much you can do.

    Try asking to wash the car? Earned a good 20 bucks last time I tried to do that :)

    Also you can take surveys online for free money! You don't even have to be a certain age lol.

    I saw it in Seventeen magazine (Buy the August 08 issue there's a whole article on tons of websites to get money from!)

    I only tried one of them

    You go there and sign up and they'll mail you checks that your mom can cash for you at the bank. :) Goodluck!

  2. babysitting is like the only other thing.

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    again for you. .

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