
Earring Help?!?!?!?!?

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Ok so i got my ears pierced almost 6 week ago. But i had them in when i was little but we had to let them close due to infection. Anyways one of my ears is swollen and has puss coming out of it and my other ear is not swollen but has a little blood coming out of it. What should i do? People think i should take it out and clean it and put it back in. What do you think?




  1. go to see a doctor or specialist right away

  2. i think u should take out the earing and clean the infection take care of it b4 it turns worse. and maybe ur infection is from fake earings . only real gold woudnt hurt but if u wear alot fake like plastic or fake gold than it really could hurt

  3. OMG that happened when my sister got her ears pierced!! It was gross! The doctor gave her this stuff to put on them, but in the end she had to take them out and let them close up. I suggest you ask piercer or doctor, you might ahve to take them out though.
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