
Ears Popping on a Plane?

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i am leaving from Boston on July 31st and i am going to Florida, and i am worried about how much my ears will pop on the plane. My ears are kinda sensitive, and i will bring gum. I just want to know how bad it ususally hurts because i remember going on a plane years back and my ears hurt.




  1. It is a fact that when the plane reaches a high altitude that

    your ears will pop. The remedy I have is simple and works

    Just chew gum and usually the motion of the chewing clears the ears and pop.

    Try it really it does work.

    good luck can't hurt to try!

  2. My friend has horrible ear pains on planes. She takes head congestion pills and then she's fine. (a nurse told her this)

  3. There are a few things you can do.

    Firstly, you can buy a product called "Earplanes". I always take them with me, when flying. They are a little pricey (I picked mine up for around $20), but well worth it.

    Secondly, pop your ears when taking off, and while the plane continues to climb towards maximum altitude (you don't have to do it the whole time. You only need to do it til the cabin reaches the required maximum pressurisation - about 10 mins). The best way of doing this (besides gum - which also works to a point), is by holding your nose and doing the same action one would do when blowing ones nose into a tissue. Just a quick sharp blow should do it. Repeat this, until you stop feeling that your ears are still trying to adjust to the pressure. (Just don't forget to hold your nose tight, so you don't make a mess ;-) )

    Something to note though, is if you already have some congestion in your nose/ears/head, popping it the way I described can make it worse - particularly if your ear canal isn't clear.

    Assuming your ears are clear, do this again when the plane begins to descend, and until the plane actually lands.

    Thirdly, another way of dealing with it, is by taking a decongestant. Sometimes, even the smallest amount of congestion in your head can cause pain in your ear. If you don't want to take over the counter or doctor prescribed medication (usually in the form of decongestants), you can use an inhaler (menthol/eucalyptus ones are the best) for your nose. You can often buy them at airports, drugstores/pharmacies and supermarkets. Just hold it near your nostrils and breathe in deeply. Most airlines stock small sachets of menthol for passengers with painful ears, but I like to carry my own, just in case.

    And lastly, in terms of chewing gum, the more you pack into your mouth, the better!! The more your jaw flexes, the more the  eustachian tubes (in your ear) allow air to move through them, which ultimately equalises the pressure. This is why yawning can also help.

    Good luck!

  4. You probably had a slight ear or sinus infection, and you should know that if you do have a severe infection or even a cold your eardrums could literally burst. I found a product that worked great for me called Earplanes. They are a little pricey but well worth the money. They sell them at any drug store.

  5. Go to the store and get some "ear planes".

  6. take a sudifed before you get on your flight.  It's usually fluid blocked in that causes the pain.  The guy who suggested the "earplanes"  is spot on.  You'll be fine.  :)

  7. Your eardrums aren't going to burst.

    I've had 6 surgeries on my ears during my childhood and teen years, and I am on planes a couple of times a year. All that is happening is that the pressure between your ear drums and eustachian tubes is changed because of the altitude. Gum helps, a decongestant might help though I've never heard of that before. Be prepared for it, it doesn't hurt that badly and the effects don't last long at all.

  8. ok this is GOING TO SOUND WIERD BUT... Tylenol cold (30 min before you get in the plane) (you can buy it once you go past the security because theres NO WAY you can make it into a bomb or something

    BUT heres another trick! if they start poping (which i doubt)  you put 2 cups on each her haha i know it sounds funny put it works if you dont buy the medicine :)

    good luck!

    have a safe flight!

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