
Ears popping?

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Being a pilot means your ears pop a lot, right? So, over time could that affect your hearing?




  1. Huh? What? Say again? Could you speak a little louder please?

  2. no...pressure equalization is normal and relflects that your eustean tubes are clear and open.

    However, its common to fly while having a cold and driving a sinus infection or cold into those same tubes leads to horrible ear infections....and yes that could damage hearing.

  3. I believe so and yes it would affect you . In world war II the Japanese used a red hot pin to put a small hole in the ear drum for their pilots.Or so the rumours go.

  4. Actually, my ears don't pop much in pressurized business jets.

    The noise is the issue with respect to hearing, and this is widely known in the industry and includes ramp areas.

  5. the popping in your ears does not have any affect on your hearing once its gone. But if the pressure gets to intense it could lead to permanent damage.

  6. Probably so but I am sure the pilots must have some type of preventative tactics to help with that foreseen issue.

  7. I agree with previous comments.

    You may also rupture your eardrum if your ears were really really blocked...
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