
Earth's diameter is 7900 miles. Has anyone ever tried to reach center? How? Results?

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Earth's diameter is 7900 miles. Has anyone ever tried to reach center? How? Results?




  1. That's impossible.  The earth's core is surrounded by a mantle of lava.  Besides that, the pressures are to great.  Don't believe what you see in these "Journey to the center of the earth" movies.

  2. I guess you have not heard the latest news, the Earth has a liquid metal core, which means hot, really, really HOT. It is the fluid iron swirling around in the core which gives us the magnetic field that makes a compass work. A compass will NOT work on Mars as it does on Earth because Mars has a solid core and virtually NO magnetic field. In answer to anyone trying to reach the core, would YOU dig into a volcano and how exactly would you handle the lava when you reached it?

  3. Yes.  An expidition in Iceland hiked down vertical former lava tubes of an extent volcano some years ago.  They sustained themselfs on large mushrooms that grew in the warm cave-like atmosphere.  I hear that water was even found along with creatures long thought to be extinct.  Read Journey to the Center of the Earth, it is a good documentary of the exploits of the expedition.

  4. No practical or sane person has ever attempted to reach the center of the Earth.  The pressure and temperature are so extreem that it would not be survivable with today's technology.  The closest anyone has ever come is a hole in Russia that drilled from 1970 to 1994...that is 24 years of near-non-stop drilling!  The hole was finally stopped in 1994 at a record depth of 40,230 feet (12,262 meters)!  The bottom hole temperature was 365*F (180*C)!  They had to stop drilling due to the intense heat and pressure.  The drill bit was reaching it's maximum operating temperature.  The rock at that depth was starting act more like a fluid plastic than rock and was begining to "flow closed" when the drill string was removed.  They could no longer go any deeper.

    Keep in mind that the Earth's center is fluid because of the intense heat.  This is liquid iron, rock, etc.  The center of the Earth is estimated to be as high as 12600*F (7000*C)!  I doubt we will be going there anytime soon...if ever.

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