
Earth And Science Question ?

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There is so much diffrent waves going through everything, WiFi, Radios,The Sun, Cell Phone Signels, BluTooth,Computers,GPS,much much more. does this ever harm any living creature? it may seem funny but its so woerd when you think of all the stuff constantly streaming thorugh everything.

ive always thought about this.




  1. Yes of course radio waves can make people ill or even kill them, BUT it all deprnds on the strength and short of being right next to a powerful radio antenna they are way to weak to be harmful.  Consider that sunlight is OK or even needed for your health but getting sunburned or focousing it with a lens on yourself is bad for you.  Some evidence that prolonged cellphone use right next to your head is unhealhy has recenly been in he news but this is intense exposure compared to the normal background level and he effect is so small as to be difficult to evidence.

  2. well, for the most part, visible light isn't able of penetrating your skin.  You're talking about electromagnetic radiation, which includes everything from radio waves, to microwaves, to gamma rays to X-rays.  Honestly, most of these things go through your body everyday, but here's the deal.  Most waves have wavelengths too large to cause any damage.  Essentially, the wavelength of an EM wave would have to be on the atomic scale to do damage to your cells or DNA past anything like a sunburn.  For the most part, wavelengths are far too long.  Most radio waves are multiple meters long.  We need to be careful when you get into UV light, X-rays and gamma rays, because they have the shortest wavelengths, and thus the most energy and damage potential.  The earth's magnetic field does a good job of blocking out gamma rays from space, but we still get a little bit from the earth's background radiation.  as for UV, just wear some sunscreen.  X-rays aren't normally encountered in harmful levels unless you're in a hospital 24/7 or around a nuclear test sight.  So yes, waves and other radiation such as beta or alpha waves, pass through you every day.  I wouldn't worry.  Humans evolved with background radiation and thus can deal with it.  Try to avoid too many X-rays and you'll be fine.

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