
Earth Day is April 22 What are your plans?

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I really wish it did not fall on a tuesday, because like most folks I will have to work. I also wish my area sponsered events. :(

I do plan on planting a dogwood tree I have grown from a tiny baby and pick up some trash around my street.




  1. Every earth day i play a dozen flowers in my flower patch! I have tons now!

  2. Nothing.

  3. Thats great you grew your own tree!

    I plan on going to our local Earth Day event in Las Vegas! @ Summerlin!

    Then I'm going to have a good ol' fashion vegan BBQ! :)

  4. use as much electricity as possible....

  5. Pick up the trash,clean backyard, anything that living things haha.

  6. I turned all the lights off and used candles for Earth hour... though they were off longer than an hour.

  7. nothin. maybe cuttin down some trees and having a bonfire that night. :P

  8. I plan to hug my tree

  9. im going to burn all the plastic bags ive been saving all year

  10. Dig the earth and pour Rain water

  11. To stop Yahoo answer's and question's from reporting

    and tell us WHO turned us in and why ?

    Hopefully Earth day will make them come BACK TO EARTH and stop playing God with our Q.&A.

    I will plant a tree also,,

    I have 4 globe willows to get into the ground

  12. Well the organization I work for is doing an earthday celebration the weekend  before.  We will do tours of a wetlands area near our office and ID birds for them, and have educational booths set up.    We are also doing a watershed-wide tour the week before earth day for various organizations to see what work we do firsthand.

  13. My plans are to help the world even more than i already do on the 22nd! :] If you would like to help then please go to my new site. :]

  14. I think I'm going hunting.

  15. I didn't know Earth Day was on April 22 until I read yr question. Living in the UK there don't seem to be any events round here but I will try and do something. Use less energy.

    I already recycle as much rubbish as possible and promote tree planting in my role as the local Tree Warden.

    The Tree Warden Scheme is a national initiative (set up over 15 years ago) to enable people to play an active role in conserving and enhancing their local trees and woods. The scheme was founded by the Tree Council and is co-ordinated by the Council with the support of National Grid (utility company) and the government department -Communities and Local Government.

    Tree Wardens are volunteers, appointed by parish councils or other community organisations, who gather information about their local trees, get involved in local tree matters and encourage local practical projects to do with trees and woods.

    Tree Wardens need not be tree experts, only enthusiasts. The Tree Council provides each Tree Warden with a Handbook that covers all the basics they will need to get started and all the networks provide training and run induction days. Courses cover topics such as surveying woodland and non-woodland trees, summer and winter tree identification, tree planting and aftercare, woodland ecology and management, seed collection and tree law.

    Tree Wardens are supported in their work by their parish council or community group, which in turn will look to the Local Authority for help in matters which are beyond its resources.

    The tasks in which The Tree Council recommend that a Tree Warden might become involved fall within four broad headings: gathering information, local liaison, practical projects and protecting trees.

  16. Make a huge fire and turn on everything in my house.

    Maybe kick over a few trashcan on the street.

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