
Earth climate going cold,is the effect of global warming?

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everywhere climate beings cold like anything ...... is there is a part of global warming in this ......




  1. well, *earth* climate is not going cold. places that experience winter seem to be getting exceptionally cold winters this year. plus, places that don't usually have enough moisture to snow, are snowing this year, suggesting that cloud and rainfall patterns are shifting. but places that do not have winters are certainly not 'going cold'.

    global warming means that the *average* global temperature is warming. the effect of this warming on local climate varies depending on how the rise in temperature influence rainfall, wind patterns, etc. in the tropics there appears to be an increase of hurricanes, and stronger ones too, and a longer hurricane season. in some temperate regions, the winters appear to be getting colder and summers are hotter. in the pole regions the ice caps are melting. lately there also appears to be an increase in the number of earthquakes - although whether this is related to the rise in global temperatures is still being debated and researched. the equatorial regions may not experience as much climate change as other parts of the world, although seasonality is also changing here.

    it cannot be doubted that global warming and the resulting climate change is real, and that this sort of change has happened before. and that this phenomenon is generally not good for us.

    first question is whether this time it is kick-started by humans, or is due to natural causes, or both.

    second question is, whichever is the answer to the first question, is there anything we can do to slow it down and buy ourselves time to adapt to it and save as much of the environment we rely on to secure an acceptable future for humankind, or perhaps even stop or reverse the warming.

  2. i surely think that global warming is apart of this cold weather. i live in south africa and we always have hot summers ....this year it seemed as if we didnt even have any summer. last year it snowed for a day. it never snows in south africa. it was the first time in over 20 years that it ever snowed so much. this year i believe that we in for an even colder winter. winter is beginning in june. we are entering fall and its cold one day and hot the other then rainy....the whole climate is imbalanced.  global warming is surely at work!!!

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