
Earth hour..?

by  |  earlier

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for earth hour tonight..

do you have to turn your lights off yourself..

or is the city or w.e going to turn it off FOR you..

and have like, and hour blackout or something???




  1. Pass no thank you

  2. heh...  Ya, I hope all you people realize this global warming scare tactic is nothing more than a maneuver to gather the entire globe under one umbrella.  The globalists will use this as leverage as they attempt to pass "global laws" as we secretly move toward a one world government.

  3. Public lights will be turned off in participating cities but everyone around the world is encouraged to turn their lights off in their homes.

  4. to mike A and tuff, u guys are precisely the reason why earth hour is needed: TO RAISE AWARENESS. to tuff, it is needed due to your indifference. to mike A, it is due to ur denial. and to think that the US is the number one culprit in the earth's condition, please, try giving it another thought.


    mike A, how can someone presenting facts through such sound scientfic statistics be a liar? pls man, go back to school.

  5. You have to turn it off. It's not just lights, it's computer, tv, radio, stove, microwave, ipod, phone, etc.

    It's an hour in the dark, but you can light some candles, though.

    1_tuff_chick: Actually, the US is participating. McDonalds will be turning off their lights, along with Coca-Cola and 1,200 other major corporations. Know you facts before you open you mouth.

  6. u have to turn if off.

  7. you have to turn it off yourself..

    wow, its amazing how much some people are in denial about global warming..even if it is a lie why not just participate anyways. i mean what harm will it do? its just an hour and it saves you a bit of money

  8. You have to turn them off yourself. =)

    Im doing it tonight to. Even if people say it's stupid because one hour isn't going to do anything, but still, it gives people a break from the computers, tv's, and every other electrical appliance people have on. Spend time with the family, etc.

    Little steps to make our Earth better :]

  9. nope it is your choicce if you want to particapat you can turn off your lights but i dont think it is legal to have the city turn them off for you for a hoiday

  10. No.  Don't turn your lights off.  Leave them on.  Turn them ALL on, and run your car the whole hour with the headlights on HIGH BEAMS>

    Earth hour is the shining example of how this "global warming" nonsense is allowing a few loudmouths to CONTROL the behavior of millions of people.

    If I want to turn on MY lights in MY house that I paid for it will only run up MY electric bill which comes out of MY pocket and is paid for by MY paycheck.

    If someone can ORDER you when you can and cannot have lights on in your own house, then how far are we from having NO freedom at all?

  11. the USA isn't participating, thank heavens. I think I would have to start a revolution. If you feel like blacking your house out for an hour, be my guest, but because I live in the USA NOO ONE is going to force me to!

  12. look guys! no one is forcing you to do it. NO ONE. so if you want your great grand childern to suffer from global warming, be my guest. i don't want that to happen. and yea.. the USA is perticipating in the earth day. Atlanta, San Francisco, Chicago and Toronto i think. even google turned "off" their lights. hurricane katrina is a perfect example of the first step of global warming.

    so PLEASE turn off your lights today and make the change.

  13. Please...what a sham and a scam.  This is such a stupid socialist agenda fueled by misinformation and media/government complicity.  

    Green is the religion of a new generation of sixties know nothings.  It gives them something to do to make themselves feel better.  Psuedo science big time.

    No, for earth need to turn every light and appliance in the house ONNN.


    thousands of cities & millions of people will be doing it tonight @ 8 PM, whatever time zone you're in

    now the fridge & freezer Need to stay on

    it should be Interesting

  15. you turn it off

  16. Well, throughout the world it is completely mandatory but I will not be participating.  Why? I do the "earth hour" thing Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 6:30pm, when I am at work.   Plus, though it is a noble cause, on 9:00:01pm (or 21:00:01 as the rest of the world knows it), people will be on the polluting side again.  It's like eating a double cheeseburger with extra bacon every single day and just one day, you eat a salad.

  17. You have to turn out the lights yourself. No one can force you to save the planet.

    Everyone who thinks earth hour is not worth it watch this video.

    Even google has changed for today.

    -the deviate

  18. this is so stupid - not your question but earth hour.  what a waste of time.  the earth is fine and al gore is a liar.

  19. well i know that you have to turn off YOUR lights, like in your house and stuff but im not sure if the cities are gonna turn off the lights in publi buildings, and it might not be smart to turn off city lights (lamp posts and such) cuz theres still cars and stuff but a lot of businesses are turning off their lights and that makes me happy, thats why im getting my friends to turn off their lights , along with mine =)
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