
EarthQuake After Shock ?

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They just said on the news that there have been 6 aftershocks so fare. They say that people have felt them here, but I haven't felt anything eles.




  1. Just had the first major aftershock about 8 minutes ago! It seemed to last about 6 seconds or so... felt about half as strong as the one this morning. Waiting for the USGS site to update.

  2. I felt one today, around 11am.

    I never felt any others.

    Was any more damage done to that building?

  3. i thought that was a tremor at 0440 in central Illinois it lasted about 5 minutes

  4. I live in Illinois, near St. Louis, MO. It was very creepy to be awakened like that. No damage really done, at least none reported yet. I would like to know more about this AFTERSHOCK that is supposed to occur. That kind of scares me... I am at work now and I am on the 18th floor of a 30 floor building.... I am just not sure what to expect!!!

  5. There may be aftershocks near the epicenter.  If they do occur they will not be nearly as strong as the 5.4 the hit at 4:37am.  Go here..... They will be weaker and can still be felt though.  I live in the suburbs of . I didn't feel it myself but my bird woke me up about that time panicking in his cage because he woke up in panic and was flying around his cage so apparently he felt it.

  6. Thank you for the prayers sweetie..   I believe everyone is ok it wasn't a big one ( thank god ) I'm not sure if we will have major after shocks or not but I'm sure all will be ok..  I'm west of Indianapolis and all is good here..

    God Bless you also..

  7. Wow...I was wondering if that was an earthquake.

    I was in the kitchen and everything started rumbling and shaking and my dog freaked out.


    Anyway, no, we won't feel anything from THAT one anymore. If there are more, then we might, but when it's over it's over.

    Pretty creepy.

  8. Well we just got the first aftershock. Not even close to being the same as the actual quake, which wasn't bad, just odd.

    Lasted only a few seconds, and took me a minute to figure out that it was actually an aftershock, but after 5 people called with the "Did you feel that?" call, I can safely say yep, first aftershock here and gone.

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