
Earthquake?? Just curious.

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has anyone heard of that earthquake that supposedly is going to split california from the rest of the states? Just wondering if anyone has any information on that?




  1. I've heard it and it's not true. The plates and the direction they move along with the shape of the San Andreas make it a physical impossibility.  

  2. haha.

    noo but I did hear/watch something about one that will be catastrophic somewhere in California, it was on the weather channel, the show "it could happen tomorrow"

  3. That one has been around since the 60s and it would be nice maybe have SF/Marin County float out of the bay and form its on island and maybe hook up with Los Angeles and give the rest of us Californians a break from all the weirdness.

  4. That is a popular cult myth, but there's no truth to it. Yes, there is a large series of faults (the largest and most infamous being the San Andreas) that runs north-south along nearly the entire length of California. However, almost all of the faults are "strike-slip" faults, meaning they slip along the fault's strike (i.e. north-south, not east west.) What does this mean? Well, it means that some day in the distant future, the western half of So Cal will be part of No Cal.  

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