
Earthquake NHL hockey in California, has it ever happend?

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Just thought I'd asked this question since, every single time I hear of a moderate size or bigger earthquake happening in Ca they tend to happen more when the NHL is not in season(like in So Cal today) or if no NHL game is is taking place in that certain NHL city at that time of shaking.

I hope the arenas can with stand a very strong earthquake if it happens. I hate to imagine(for example) an NHL player who loses his balance in the beginning the the quake only to struggle to move from under the Jumbotron only to get crushed by it when the rods holding it in place snap. Ouch, talk about someone who's life ended the same way as a fly!!! LOL If that every happened I bet the knee-jerk reaction by the NHL would to require all Jumbotrons removed and put the monitors along the arena wall just like at the old McNickols Arena in Denver.

Ok I'll stop now since I'm having flashblacks of the 1989 world series.

What mandates and policies does the NHL have when an earthquake takes place?




  1. Very nice Candi - wishing death on people - I hope tragedy strikes your family too, ******...

  2. ya. i hope they have support.drunk driving(bourdon)is the players own fault, but a jumbotron,is like god's ***** slap to your face.

  3. I did a search and came up with nothing.  I think they just judge each situation as it comes.  Playoff games were postponed for Columbine, preseason games were cancelled or postponed for hurricanes, snow storms and Sept 11.

  4. i have never experienced an earthquake during a game, but today's was pretty crazy, it sure shocked me, anyways-good old CA and our quakes

    and if the jumbotron had to land on anyone i sure hope it would land on Luongo or Alfredson

  5. I don't know if it ever happened, and I would guess the game would be halted and no other games played until the arena could be inspected for damage,  but what's with all the death talk lately?  

    Around 50% of Las Vegas felt that quake today. Didn't feel it where I live. But I remember a quake about 8-9 years ago centered somewhere in CA ( can't remember exactly where, maybe Barstow?) that woke me up at 4 am with my house  rockin' and a rollin'....

  6. My brother was at Candlestick Park as a 16 yr old journalist for a French (as in Paris) baseball magasine called "STRIKE" and was going to be on Nightline after the game with Ted Koppel

    How does this refer to hockey, well if Gretzky hadn't gotten point 1850 with less than a minute left, and 1851 in overtime (up to that point Gordie Howe had the record of 1850) on Oct 15th 1989 in Edmonton the next Kings game would've been in LA on the 17th

  7. Gee, Thanks for the visual Howler. Yikes. I have never heard of it happening during a game. I know that one team had their jumbotron fall onto the ice a few years ago. No one was on the ice at the time. But they had to totally reschedule games in order to repair the ice , floor and the jumbotron itself. I am sure that then NHL has some policy. I know they have rescheduled games when we all were without power for weeks on end after Hurricane Wilma a few years ago. But since I to live in a relatively earthquake free zone , I am not sure what they have in mind for that instance .

  8. s***w you wouldn't know a good player if Burke drafted one!

  9. Yes there has!

    I believe it was the 2004 or 2002 NHL Playoffs there was an earthquake in HP Pavilion at San Jose. I wasn't there but I remember watching the game and the windows was a great earthquake. I seem to find earthquakes entertaining!

    I remember Randy and Drew said later that play did not stop but the fans and players thought it was the crowd stomping their feet in their seats.

    And if all the fans felt the earthquake they would think to themselves,

    Playoff Hockey > Earthquakes

    So they wouldn't make a big commotion about it

  10. Back in 1985 there was a quake centered in Watsonville while I was at home for lunch in Santa Cruz. My boss happened to be driving his car and he said he didn't feel a thing. I shot up off the couch and it was over before my hand touched the door. I see now how folks get trapped and killed in house collapses.

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