
Earths energy?

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why do we rely on nuclear energy, will it ever run out? what are the cones of nuclear energy instead of meltdowns?

how does solar collector works, is there an amount they can only store? can solar energy power everything in the house?




  1. ITS MAGIC!!

  2. eventually we will run out of Nuclear energy but that won't happen for like 300 years, and America i think is starting the transition from coal energy to nuclear.

    I'm not entirely sure how solar collection works.. but solar energy could power a house if you had enough of it. but a whole country.., no.

    the solar panels only collect one type of rays from the sun efficiently. If the world is to switch to solar power we need to find a way to get more energy from the sun in a different type of solar panel.

    - I hope this helped =)

  3. Solar power could, but we would need allot of them mostly people do this to reduce electricity bill and receive tax cuts for it. We rely on nuclear because we are a harmful people to our earth, with a combination of wind and solar you could actual supply your entire home and put electricity back in the grid causing the electric company to have to pay you for it. The only problem is its really expensive right now but it will go down as manufacturing  

    cost do. In short the government wants to control your power and reek the benefits and the more they can get the better and the enviroment is no concearn to them.

  4. Solar power, if we could collect it all, could give us something like 50x the amount of energy we use now.  The problem is collecting it all.  Solar thermal only works in hot areas with a lot of sun, and photovoltaics have raw material constraints that keep us from being able to manufacture them in large quantities (I mean large in the sense of replacing a lot of our conventional capacity in a few years).

    Only France really "relies" on nuclear energy.  Other countries only use it for 0-20% of their electricity.  A plutonium economy, using fast breeders, can in theory operate virtually forever.  However, there are technical and political problems with this that will likely prevent that from ever happening.

    My house is powered by solar energy.  I store the power my panels generate during the day in batteries so I have power at night.  However, this was very expensive, and we only have enough manufacturing capacity to replace less than 1% of conventional electricity per year.

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