
Earwigs in herb and veggie garden...good or bad?

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I just started my garden last summer but they kinda died over winter so i went in yesterday and replanted a bunch of thing i noticed was that there were some earwigs crawling around in the soil. Im not very experienced with this stuff i just have my little organic garden but i wanted to know if i should worry about these creepy crawlers...Will they attack my plants? Should i get rid of them before they do any damage or do i leave them alone? Is there a natural and/or organic way to get rid off them if i need to?





  1. do not know


  2. Earwigs are not a friend in the garden.

    Try sprinkling diatomaceous earth around your vegetable plants.  It's available at most Lowe's garden centers.

    It's a completely harmless (unless you're a bug) natural control, and is also effective on slugs, snails, and other pests.

  3. Don't worry about earwigs. They like damp places with organic material. They are more a nuisance than a pest in the vegetable garden. They can even be beneficial as they eat other insects, as well as occasionally vegetable material. An easy way to get rid of them is to roll up a piece of damp newspaper and put in the garden where you have seen the earwigs. They will crawl inside and you can then dispose of them along with the newspaper.

  4. If I was to suggest, in response to all the requests for a solution to get rid of our co-inhabitors of this earth, namely, creepy crawlies, and incidently these are so called simply because we are afraid of them, but they are harmless. Earwigs do no harm to nothing, particularly plants. Like us they need to find shelter from the elements, and our vegs seems to be the ideal place. So just evict them and enjoy your greens.

  5. It's good that they want to live there because you're garden must be a paradise for them.

    The problem that they will eat the leafs of your plant :[

    Get a bug remover thats safe for plants.

  6. I have grown organic veg and flowers successfully for many years and although lots of gardeners get rid of earwigs. I`ve never noticed that they do any real harm unless you grow Dhalias when they will damage the blooms (I`m told) .

    I prefer to live and let live unless there is a real, noticeable problem.

    There is no need to make an enemy of everything just in case it may do some harm. We grow organic food in order to enjoy a healthier lifestile and to harmonise with nature.

    No sense in spoiling it for no good reason.

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