
Easement granted owner rights?

by  |  earlier

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ingress/egress user has gated it, rocked it all without consulting me says he can do whatever he wants to it is his easement, tho granted by my property. What are my rights




  1. NO he cannot not IF this is your property and he has only an easement granting him right of ingress and egress. . . he has no right to put anything on property, only right to walk or drive across it. .. and he's liable to you for damages and has to take down fencing and gate

    Get yourself to an attorney with your documentation and have him send a letter to this guy

    Attorneys will give free or cheap initial consultation and write you a letter. . . call around for some one experienced in real estate matters

    Your posting isn't entirely clear as to who owns what. . .

  2. Exactly who is this person and what is his relationship to your property.

    Easements are generally granted to utilities and to allow access to landlocked property.

  3. No, he can't put a gate up w/o your consent.   He can not lock you off of your property, ever.

    Although this may end up in the courts, where you will win, you might be able to get Code Enforcement to get the gate removed.

    Gates require building permits and there is no way he was issued a permit to build a gate on your land.

    Code Enforcement should make him remove the gate with very little effort on your part.

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