The property line of my neighbors is directly beside my house not even 3 foot away from my bedroow window, it sucks!!!!
I have been told since the house is so old it is all grandfathered in
I have also been told there may be an easement
What does that mean exactly. Can I walk on the easement, I do not even walk on the side of my home for fear they will say something to me. Can I keep my shrubs where they are on the side of my home; they are right before the line?
Do I have to move my rocks that are lined up darn near on the property line? Is there anyway of putting up a fence, id rather look at the fence than there house, dogs living in barrels horrible/5ft tree brush pile/dirt mounds/bricks/trash/weeds growing on the outside of the home. These people are just nasty.Broken down pool/homemade pond ewhhhh/
I do not get along with my neighbors so I avoid them ,its best that way, so please do not suggest that I speak with them it will do no good. What can and cant I do?